Tron 2.0 ended up working like a charm on my computer. so now that i have summer, i was thinking about getting KOTOR since there are places around selling it for 30 bucks now. problem is i've grown accustomed to graphical goodness. so before i buy it, how well would it run on my 2.4Ghz Pentium 4, Nvidia GeForce4 MX 420 64MB (that's what system info tells me), 512 MB computer? would i be able to max out whatever visuals at 1024 by 768 without my computer showing it's age? i guess i could go to 800 by 600 if i had to. heh, if i was a rich man, i would so be one of those obsessed power gamers who played at ridiculously high resolutions with anti-aliasing on and everything maxed out. but in anycase, i need something to relax with when i'm not working 40 hours a week. how would it run?