Hey guys, did you hear about Something Awful?
Posts: 8,804
Even if this 0ld /\/3ws, I rather enjoyed this a lot for some reason. Even though this seems highly unlikely to how George wrote Star Wars, it is very entertaining and has my vote for a future George Lucas biography movie type thing like this.
Plus, one question that bothered me: "Aghhhh!"
How did she legally change her name? Wouldn't she notice she was a Lucas too? Maybe devoirce was involved?
Now, onword unto this...I knew this time would come that I would post this. This has prompted me in the movie at the beginning while the pot smoker was talking to Lucas.
Disclaimer: This next part is for insight only. It is not my beliefs, but relations to them.
I would like to talk about the Force. Now in Star Wars, the Force surrounds us, penetrates us and binds us together. It can be weilded to do supernatural, if even called that, things that most people don't normally see, or believe in. It can be used for one path of Healing, absorbing, and protecting oneself. On another path, it can be used to amplify damage and destruction done to your will, with undoubtfull cause of manipulation.
Okay. Now, personally in real life I can relate this to Qi (or Chi) energy, which is normally called my researchers, "bioelectromagnetics". This is energy is extremly understudied and difficult for even the cleverist of scientist to explain...so I'll try my best. Now this energy is much related to the Force. It takes years to train and discover/grow this energy, and even more years to manipulate or weild it. This energy is primary used for healing purposes. That is why most people practice Tai Chi to discover this energy. And most people that practice Tai Chi seek out healing, good health, or was recommended it from a doctor.
But it also has a "Dark Side" to it as well. You can use Qi energy to amplify damage to your punches (Most famous, Bruce Lee's 1 inch Punch, which contains both physical velocity, time and motion, along with Qi) or kicks. Not only this, but I have been witness to monks doing a technique called "Dragon Breath" in which they inhale, then exhale with excess energy...creating a "smoke" effect. Or making it feel like fire is running up someone's arm. Or knocking someone out on concious, useing nothing but energy, while the other person is on the other side of the room. Now, what you can't do is Force Pull/Push things (like grab a fork while you're at the dinner table) and other stuff, but still...my point is abnormal things happen with Qi and in the hands of a criminal it could be a very bad situation (thus not widely teached until recently).
Okay. Now to bind these two together. Do you think George Lucas borrowed eastern philisophies and worked it into the Force on his own? Do you think that he actually made up this stuff from his own wisdom? Do you think he got this from some potsmoking room mate? I don't know. But Qi Energy and Bioelectromagnetics are suprisingly simular.
NOTE: I don't care if you believe me or not. Most people don't, nor do I try to prove myself. I'm just useing this to get insight on what you might think George did. If you wish to study more about bioelectromagnetics, there are some books out about it. I doubt you will find anything on the internet, though.