Did you even READ what I said? A number of people have posted a number of games and I posted FOUR. You see that? FOUR. Four. Freaking. Games.
Not fifteen. Not ten. Not five. Four.
If you would KNOW about the Final Fantasy line-up of games for the PSX only, then you would actually understand the point I'm getting at. I could've just said Final Fantasy, and would get it right because it's the right series. That has gone on LOTS of times in this thread. "Oh yeah it was xxxxx 3 but you guessed xxxxx so I'll give it to you". I was a lot more precise in what I said, and didn't just name an entire series.
If people are going to be so pent up about this, have Jim set up a rule for one guess per post, and no using google of gamefaqs. That works.
I say again. You lose