just this week the premier of ontario with the governors of new york, michigan et al., met at the
shared air summit. US and Canadian studies show that 60% of the smog in ontario comes from the US. ontariio has started the shut down of all it's coal burning electricity generators. when they're all shut down by 2009, the percentage of smog identified as from the US will increase dramatically.
at the shared air meetings, david suzuki actually asked premier mcguinty to ban SUV's in ontario as they are one of, if not the number one preventable contributer to smog in urban ontario. the premier said "no." although he will be trading in his government supplied SUV for a hybrid SUV that will burn 85% ethanol when it runs on gas.
it's all of our responsibility to stop polluting. everyone can take the
one tonne challenge. you don't have to be canadian. :p