Just got back from the move. Overall a bit better than I expected, but not by a whole lot...
To start out with, the radio broadcast is very different from the book, and the movie was very different from the radio broadcast, only some basic themes were borrowed between the three. I was expecting this to be based more on the old movie and radio broadcast than the book, as the book never seemed like it would translate well to a movie. That said, it actually borrowed a lot of basics from the book (the basement scene, the red weed's), but was really off in other ways.
The whole blood/fertilizer thing was an interesting take (I don’t remember it from the book, but its been a while), but overall I think it was kinda a bad move. Again, it's been a while since I read the book, but I seem to remember the focus more being on the (Marian) industries of war so to speak (the capsules, the Martian encampment, ECT). This cast more of a harvester/combine/teraforming approach, and almost made humans more significant (IE the aliens needed the humans as fertilizer, possibly why they waited for humans to advance and flourish before "attacking").
The characters were kina meh. Ray was OK, not good, not bad, just there. Rob was the same. The little girl was somewhat interesting, in that unlike most little kids in movies, she seemed to portray about how I would expect your average kid that age to respond. I also liked the way they portrayed the mob mentalities with the car and ferry scenes.
As for the virus ending, it kept with the book, and Ill be happy with that. On the one hand, you are spraying the blood of deceased humans all over the place, and you honestly expect not to have to worry about the microorganisms IN that blood? On the other hand, the whole extra-terrestrial microbe argument is quite controversial. Microbes don’t actually adapt terribly well, they just evolve relatively quickly (read 1000 years instead of one million years), so in order for them to affect the aliens, their biology would have to be remarkably similar to ours (pH levels, temperature, blood chemistry, cellular biology…), otherwise none of our terrestrial microbes would be able to survive long enough in an alien system to do anything. This is the same reason why there are many scientists today who are saying that we DON’T have to worry about brining back live microbes from the moon or mars…
"Well, if I am not drunk, I am mad, but I trust I can behave like a gentleman in either
condition."... G. K. Chesterton
“questions are a burden to others; answers a prison for oneself”