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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Infinite Massassi Project
Infinite Massassi Project
2005-07-08, 5:31 PM #1
the rules... take a screenshot of the last post in the thread... resize the screenshot so it will fit on someone's screen and post it

a good size is 640x480 or 800x600
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2005-07-08, 5:44 PM #2
Attachment: 5909/massassi.jpg (58,187 bytes)
2005-07-08, 5:51 PM #3

2005-07-08, 6:39 PM #4
I think mine's off. =\
Attachment: 5911/clipboard01.jpg (76,505 bytes)
2005-07-08, 6:44 PM #5
Attachment: 5912/screenshot.jpg (52,257 bytes)
Still here.
2005-07-08, 6:49 PM #6
Skateboarding is not a crime.
2005-07-08, 7:01 PM #7
Attachment: 5914/neverending.jpg (63,697 bytes)
All your bacon are belong to me

< robT> Name ONE thing that your windows comp can do that my MAC cant
< bawss> Right click.
2005-07-08, 7:18 PM #8
Attachment: 5916/image.jpg (98,705 bytes)
Think while it's still legal.
2005-07-08, 7:21 PM #9
Attachment: 5917/inf.jpg (37,687 bytes)
2005-07-08, 7:26 PM #10
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2005-07-08, 7:59 PM #11
GBK your behind like 3 posts :p
Think while it's still legal.
2005-07-08, 8:16 PM #12
Originally posted by SAJN_Master
GBK your behind like 3 posts :p

Taking screenshots in Linux is a pain, leave him alone :p :D
2005-07-08, 8:19 PM #13
Originally posted by Cool Matty
Taking screenshots in Linux is a pain, leave him alone :p :D

Actually it only took 2 seconds to take the screenshot, but I took my time in posting it...
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2005-07-08, 8:27 PM #14
40 minutes? lol
All your bacon are belong to me

< robT> Name ONE thing that your windows comp can do that my MAC cant
< bawss> Right click.
2005-07-08, 11:12 PM #15
import foo.png is all you have to do to take a shot in linux
2005-07-08, 11:24 PM #16
Continuing from Zecks
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2005-07-08, 11:24 PM #17
Oi, I fixed ALL of your posts (sorry for the bad images, but thats what you get for resizing in paint :p)

[edit] FASTGAMERR REMOVE YOUR PIC!!! I SPENT TOO MUCH TIME TO LOSE TO A DOUBLE POST!!! I added in what the picture would have been if all 6 of the hijackers had added it in a link (properly) Actually, I think I'll add you as well, that way you won't lose your spot. I'll be back... [/edit] [edit2] added your post into the others [/edit2]
Attachment: 5929/oi2.jpg (50,794 bytes)
Sam: "Sir we can't call it 'The Enterprise'"
Jack: "Why not!"
2005-07-08, 11:47 PM #18
Attachment: 5930/massassinfinity.jpg (52,230 bytes)
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2005-07-08, 11:51 PM #19
Out of 11, only 2 are using IE. Massassi is so smart. :p
2005-07-08, 11:54 PM #20
Why is it that when I started a similar thread (with the exact same title) a while back, no one posted in it? :(
2005-07-09, 12:03 AM #21
Go me
Pissed Off?
2005-07-09, 12:23 AM #22
SG-fan, your picture doesnt make sense... why do all of those windows have your windows colors on them? the image of everyone else's windows shouldnt have changed... just the outermost one. (your's)
2005-07-09, 1:21 AM #23
This is neat, mais non?
Attachment: 5932/bleh.jpg (58,673 bytes)
The answer is maybe.
2005-07-09, 3:21 AM #24
Attachment: 5933/lala.jpg (68,774 bytes)
My levels
2005-07-09, 7:09 AM #25
Attachment: 5934/clipboard01.jpg (84,017 bytes)
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2005-07-09, 9:10 AM #26
Do I get a prize or something?
Attachment: 5936/132.jpg (36,968 bytes)
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2005-07-09, 9:52 AM #27
They're starting to look the same.
Steal my dreams and sell them back to me.....
2005-07-09, 1:04 PM #28
Originally posted by Cazor
SG-fan, your picture doesnt make sense... why do all of those windows have your windows colors on them? the image of everyone else's windows shouldnt have changed... just the outermost one. (your's)

I went and added the previous post to all of the people who didn't attach the picture. I made 6 screen shots and edited them to add in the picture (if you read the names in mine, you'll notice that Brian actually didn't add a picture, but rather I added it for him.)
Sam: "Sir we can't call it 'The Enterprise'"
Jack: "Why not!"
2005-07-09, 1:08 PM #29
O_o puuurdy.
2005-07-09, 7:40 PM #30
Slight change up.
Attachment: 5942/inf.jpg (50,209 bytes)
2005-07-09, 8:14 PM #31
Attachment: 5943/clipboard01.jpg (73,601 bytes)
2005-07-10, 12:24 AM #32
wow you have a lot of skin on your hand
All your bacon are belong to me

< robT> Name ONE thing that your windows comp can do that my MAC cant
< bawss> Right click.
2005-07-10, 6:48 AM #33
Attachment: 5957/mass1.jpg (81,892 bytes)
We are the music makers... and we are the dreamers of dreams...
Neurotic||Mobius Grith||The Atrium
2005-07-10, 10:37 AM #34
Attachment: 5958/clipboard01.jpg (71,635 bytes)

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