but when you do that you put yourself in a high position in society and look down on others. This creates hate and prejudice in society and that can lead to horrible results. Look at all the impoverished americans (who are mostly black) and all of the middle class and upper class americans (who are mostly white). Now, yes, race is one reason for the hate that exists, especially before civil rights. That is because americans exploited the blacks as slaves, putting them in far lower status in society, and some even exploited them after the abolition of slavery. Poll taxes, the ex-slave lack of education, and other things like Jim Crow laws led to a serious tension between lower class blacks and middle to upper class whites. It is more economic status than racial issues though. The racial cards are just an excuse that seems more valid than economic difference. If blacks and whites were on the same economic footing, then there would be a suprising decrease in hate crimes.
This seems like a problem with Communism, but it can be solved. Mao almost did it. In Maoism, there is constant revolution so that there is constant fervor and zeal. But in things such as the Great Leap Forward, Mao concentrated everyone into making steel and neglected agriculture, causing a famine. Instead of having one big Great Leap Forward, you would have several small ones, specific to your job. Or you could do something along the lines of occasional job rotations, where factory workers would move to working construction vehicles and such. Obviously you could not do this with all jobs because some you need a level of expertise in it. Another way is to discipline workers like you would a child. When they do something good, you congratulate them and pat them on the back. If they do something wrong, you take them aside and tell them what is wrong. If they continue, you punish them(not harshly like having them flogged or something). This way it seems easier to meet reasonable standards of production(unlike what Russia did). You don't overhaul them like what happened in Soviet Russia and China.
Communism is like capitalism in the sense that there are many different brands of it. If you went by your perception, America wouldn't be a capitalism because it isn't 100% laissez faire.
The reason pure communism doesn't work is the same reason pure capitalism doesn't work: they both are too short sighted. In order to get communism to work you have to deviate somewhat from the original idea once you put it into practice. This happens with everything. Villages should not be expected to make everything it needs. Instead, each village in the nation should concentrate on one thing and it will be distributed to everyone else along with all other products.
While I should ***** slap you for arguing for communism, I won't
Communism requires just as much if not more work than capitalism. In communism, everyone has to put in there ability to create a better nation than all the others and a better lifestyle for all. That is what hope is. In capitalism, all you have is individual initiative. Yes, it can drive people to succeed, but systems in a capitalist system can also provide for ways for people to just coast through life without doing any real work and leech off the hard workers.
Is Wayne Brady going to have to choke a *****?
[This message has been edited by Kieran Horn (edited May 13, 2004).]