I have never had so much fun in my life.
Started off at Friday 2 AM with a road trip from Maine to Penn.
Random normal fun stuff happens all the way.
But Saterday morning is what it was all about.
I played a Paintball game with about 3200 people in it, reacting D-Day.
And by Reacting D-Day I mean 1600 germans firing at 1600 allied troops storming the beach from landing craft.
The beach was a feild and the germans positions was the woods line into 700 acres of playing area though. But still, man it was one of the most intense things I've ever done.
The germans starting firing before the ramps even dropped. The sound of 1600 players firing at you is drumming in all our ears. In the boat I was in there was a bagpipe player, so that made the setting even more intense. The ramps dropped, and no almost no one survived the first rush. As we were hit we were allied to just go back in the boats and reinsert. The second wave was much more sucessfull in making it to cover. In 10 minutes, our full force was on the beach in cover advancing up taking on the germans.
Last year the beach was not taken at all. (Hour limit)
The year before that, it took 45 minutes.
We did it in 28 minutes this year, pushing the germans back and taking the base in the woods as our HQ were our general would stay most of the game.
After taking the beach and the germans retreating/reinsertinng back into a different position, we started doing missions to gain points. A big part of winning was getting points from obtaining fuel drums.
There was a 3rd party side to this game that you could either negotate with for fuel drums, or kill them and take them. Our team made the mistake of being lazy and simply killing for our first round of fuel drums. Oh, this fuel drums ar empty 60 gallon drums that needed to be lugged quite a distance to gain points for. And they needed to be protected, if shot, everyone in a certain radius would be eliminated. (Boom)
All during this game, this is one of the biggest events for paintball. So there's dozens of vendors and stuff going on.
About a half our of female mudwrestling drew a couple hundred allies to go watch it, while the Tyrel Corp (3rd party guys) gave away 70 barrels to the germans who were nice enough not to shoot them on site. So we lost alot of points there.
Tons of smaller things happened. Smaller battles, Germans retaking the beach, us retaking it. Lines moved back and forth.
Things started to get a little slow till it got dark out. I took a break untill it was DARK out. People were still playing and I went out. We couldn't see a damn thing and were playing. Firing was kept to a minimum and moving was kept to the max. Everyonce in a while, they would shoot of a flare in the sky and you could suddenly see EVERYTHING. Including your enemy 10 feet away from you. So it went from sneaky movement to intenst firefights. It was great.
Gameplay ended, and was to continue the next day for a couple more hours.
We were drascticly behind in points so my team decides to go try to get more fuel. The germans were trying to take out HQ and assassinate our General, and everyone was giving us crap for leaving for fuel. We tried to break through the line for 10 minutes, knowing it was impossile, take a long detour and go to the fuel depot after meeting little resistance.
On the way there we met up with some allies bringing back some fuel drums. We steal some of the guys with them and continue to the other depot.
We get there and there's nothing. Oh crap, there goes that plan. No more points and the germans are about to take our HQ with about an hour left in the game. We take anothter long hike, and with about 15 minutes left in the game, we see the backs of the germans assaulting our HQ. Hello. About 30 of us took out about 100, 150 germans, and slowed the progress of hundreds more assaulting our HQ. While we eventually all got eliminated, we stopped an assassination of our General.
And one of my smoke grenades caused a fire with 30 foot flames. That was fun.
Yea, pointless post. I just had so much fun, and just got back, thought I'd have to share with all the forums I go to.
Started off at Friday 2 AM with a road trip from Maine to Penn.
Random normal fun stuff happens all the way.
But Saterday morning is what it was all about.
I played a Paintball game with about 3200 people in it, reacting D-Day.
And by Reacting D-Day I mean 1600 germans firing at 1600 allied troops storming the beach from landing craft.
The beach was a feild and the germans positions was the woods line into 700 acres of playing area though. But still, man it was one of the most intense things I've ever done.
The germans starting firing before the ramps even dropped. The sound of 1600 players firing at you is drumming in all our ears. In the boat I was in there was a bagpipe player, so that made the setting even more intense. The ramps dropped, and no almost no one survived the first rush. As we were hit we were allied to just go back in the boats and reinsert. The second wave was much more sucessfull in making it to cover. In 10 minutes, our full force was on the beach in cover advancing up taking on the germans.
Last year the beach was not taken at all. (Hour limit)
The year before that, it took 45 minutes.
We did it in 28 minutes this year, pushing the germans back and taking the base in the woods as our HQ were our general would stay most of the game.
After taking the beach and the germans retreating/reinsertinng back into a different position, we started doing missions to gain points. A big part of winning was getting points from obtaining fuel drums.
There was a 3rd party side to this game that you could either negotate with for fuel drums, or kill them and take them. Our team made the mistake of being lazy and simply killing for our first round of fuel drums. Oh, this fuel drums ar empty 60 gallon drums that needed to be lugged quite a distance to gain points for. And they needed to be protected, if shot, everyone in a certain radius would be eliminated. (Boom)
All during this game, this is one of the biggest events for paintball. So there's dozens of vendors and stuff going on.
About a half our of female mudwrestling drew a couple hundred allies to go watch it, while the Tyrel Corp (3rd party guys) gave away 70 barrels to the germans who were nice enough not to shoot them on site. So we lost alot of points there.
Tons of smaller things happened. Smaller battles, Germans retaking the beach, us retaking it. Lines moved back and forth.
Things started to get a little slow till it got dark out. I took a break untill it was DARK out. People were still playing and I went out. We couldn't see a damn thing and were playing. Firing was kept to a minimum and moving was kept to the max. Everyonce in a while, they would shoot of a flare in the sky and you could suddenly see EVERYTHING. Including your enemy 10 feet away from you. So it went from sneaky movement to intenst firefights. It was great.
Gameplay ended, and was to continue the next day for a couple more hours.
We were drascticly behind in points so my team decides to go try to get more fuel. The germans were trying to take out HQ and assassinate our General, and everyone was giving us crap for leaving for fuel. We tried to break through the line for 10 minutes, knowing it was impossile, take a long detour and go to the fuel depot after meeting little resistance.
On the way there we met up with some allies bringing back some fuel drums. We steal some of the guys with them and continue to the other depot.
We get there and there's nothing. Oh crap, there goes that plan. No more points and the germans are about to take our HQ with about an hour left in the game. We take anothter long hike, and with about 15 minutes left in the game, we see the backs of the germans assaulting our HQ. Hello. About 30 of us took out about 100, 150 germans, and slowed the progress of hundreds more assaulting our HQ. While we eventually all got eliminated, we stopped an assassination of our General.
And one of my smoke grenades caused a fire with 30 foot flames. That was fun.
Yea, pointless post. I just had so much fun, and just got back, thought I'd have to share with all the forums I go to.