Heh, I'll tell you why. JO's engine is combination of Raven's modifications for Elite Force and Soldier of Fortune and a few things from Soldier of Fortune II (like the GHOUL2 animation system which still kicks ***). The BSP compiler used, sof2map is well...what's the word I'm looking for...bad. It doesn't offer many improvements over the original q3map.
Randy Reddig (aka ydnar) has totally revamped the q3map compiler over the years, turning it into Q3Map2, which supports just about every Q3 based game and some Q2 based games. The lighting it produces is FAR superior and many hundreds of times faster. You can produce very fine shadows, penumbra effects, bump mapping, radiosity, just to name a few of the additions. And that's only to the lighting department. The vis process was also vastly improved providing superior results, smaller BSPs and compiling much, much faster. Oh, there's also vastly improved terrain support (including a very easy painting like method for texturing inside Radiant), axial projected decals and lots of other eye candy.
I suppose to put it into one sentence: Q3Map2 compiled maps can rival if not exceed Half-Life 2 in static image quality (read: only still pictures!). All that from the compiler.
Check out the screenshots folder on the Q3Map2 site:
Please note that there are many proof of concept shots in there, most aren't meant to be polished or pretty!
Be sure to check out the "manual" directory for the modern Q3Map shader manual, which should cover many of the modern features. Sorry to rant, but I really like Q3Map2!

Anyways, check it out, you'd probably find it interesting.
Edit: By the way, Raven used Q3Map2 for JA, albeit to nowhere near its full potential.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.