Listen all you conservatists and socialists and liberals and democrats and what not.... unite. Quarrel not amongst eachother.
Whether or not the Patriot Act serves a hidden agenda, is not even important. What matters to everybody in your beautiful country, is that it is a dangerously powerful tool, which can be used wrongly if it falls into the wrong hands.
Don't think in ideologies. Look at the facts, and stop theorizing. Just observe the things that are happening.
Twenty-five-thousand civilians, so far, have died in Iraq. "Collateral damage", is what they call it. That's already more people than ever died by Sadam Hussein's cruel regime. This war was started because there was a lot of evidence. Evidence that Iraq was hiding 'weapons of mass destruction.' Two years pass. We learn there were no WOMD, we learn the evidence wasn't right. We learn the government lied. But there's still no sign of an end to this war.
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Human Rights Violations. Without any form of trial, without any contact with any relatives or the outside world whatsoever, people are locked away, they have no idea for how long, nothing. Why do these people not have the same rights as normal prisoners of war? Because they are terrorists, the government says. But to determine whether someone is even a valid suspect for terrorism, one needs a fair trial or at least judicial protection! Reports are coming in, about torture practises. Not only from Guantanamo Bay, but from other parts in the world too. The government denies this. But can we trust this government at all? Is it worthy of the powers it has been entrusted with by the American people?
Living in total freedom is never 100% secure. To be 100% secure, you will have to give up all of your freedom. What do you prefer? I can assure you that in Nazi Germany it was really safe in the streets late at night.
If you never hear anything from me again after this post, I may be on sudden vacation to Cuba... so long