Well... I recently got a virus on my computer, that salsse or what ever one thats going around, I didn't even know about it but i got it.
Anywho, My virus subscription to norton has been dead for a while and i can't get new virus definitions to scan for new viruses, so i had to do a system restore to about a month ago to get rid of it, even then it did not work and I downloaded AVG anti-virus, scanned and found 10 VIRUS'! OMG, wow... anywho... I downloaded a tool to get rid of the last remaining virus.
now that i've told my story of woe, I'm not entirly happy with AVG anti-virus, So i want some opinions.
Is their any really good free anti-virus programs out their that have good up to date definitions, and are their any you'd personaly recomend?
Inter arma silent leges
Anywho, My virus subscription to norton has been dead for a while and i can't get new virus definitions to scan for new viruses, so i had to do a system restore to about a month ago to get rid of it, even then it did not work and I downloaded AVG anti-virus, scanned and found 10 VIRUS'! OMG, wow... anywho... I downloaded a tool to get rid of the last remaining virus.
now that i've told my story of woe, I'm not entirly happy with AVG anti-virus, So i want some opinions.
Is their any really good free anti-virus programs out their that have good up to date definitions, and are their any you'd personaly recomend?
Inter arma silent leges