Hey, I know this is pretty absurd, but I thought I'd advertise that I will be performing in a <makeitsoundbetterthanitreallyis> WORLD-PREMIERE </makeitsoundbetterthanitreallyis> musical called "Letting Go."
Details on what it's about, where and when it will be performed, and how much:
I will be playing the roles of Sebastian (a Roman soldier) and the bridegroom, as well as some occassional not-seen chorus parts. So if you happen to be in Maryland at the time (*coughhappydudfishstickzsugarless5MadQuacketc.*) please come see me perform.
Details on what it's about, where and when it will be performed, and how much:
I will be playing the roles of Sebastian (a Roman soldier) and the bridegroom, as well as some occassional not-seen chorus parts. So if you happen to be in Maryland at the time (*coughhappydudfishstickzsugarless5MadQuacketc.*) please come see me perform.
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