But the thing is, they have been going after violence. Remember the parents talking about how Quake turned their children into mindless killing zombies on the computer. Its just now that to get any attention about how "bad" video games are, and everyone knows how bad this country hates sex. (Or loves it.) So they said, lets use this to our advantage. Its not the content or quality of these games, it is games themselves. They just hate games, they think its currupting our youth.
They never had played games in the first place, they just look at it, and stare. If only they would play it, they would understand how fun games can me. (When I say they, I mean the parent population majority.) Besides, most parents are just too overprotective of their kids. What kind of society accepts violence but not sex? Ours. Its about time we give them a piece of our minds.
Bottom line is, they just hate games because they don't know how addictive they are. (Or they think they know.) The parents believe if it can currupt their children, it will, and that my friends, is why they hate games to the extent of blaming them to get them out of our hands. Hypocritical, maybe, but somehow they need to have their input.
What good is this doing to our youth? None, none what so ever. They are just making fools of themselves, especially with this Sims 2 situtation. Tell me, why go after something so harmless? And EA is "gleefully" letting them do it? At least Clinton had grounds on her accusations. The Sims 2 is rated "T" for a reason. He needs to lay off. Seriously, why does he hate these games so much? Oh well, it doesn't matter, he will never know how fun games can be.
I believe playing games will help you rid yourself of feelings that you cannot do in real life. Like Postal 2, its not like you are going to run around in real life and start hacking people up. Its just fun because you never will do it, so its something new, that is why games are and remain fun to me.
Ferr1s b3ull3r, j00 r my h3r0!