That's completelly understandable, considering the ammount of money ABC makes on each episode.
I thought that was the stupidest ending ever. From the way it ended, there was no reason for the actual show to end. The theme of the show was still intact at the end, thus, there'd still be a story. The way shows end is that everything breaks apart, or there is rest. Not both. Everyone lives in the same general area. Monica and Chandler went back and forth from their house a lot in the recent episodes, thus showing that it's not THAT far away. Ross and Rachel will be across the street from the old appartment, and Joey, (Let's just consider the spinoff a product of the ending of all of their friendships, which didn't happen at the end, so I'm disincluding Joey the spinoff) lives across from the old appartment. Oh, and pheobe lives wherever in the city. They all still live near eachother. All they did was leave the stupid appartment behind. Bo-friggin-hoo. Dumb ending. Rachel should have been a responsable adult for a change, instead of a whore, and just went and had a career instead of a boyfriend.
"I was driving along listening to the radio, when Judas Priest comes on. It was 'You've got another thing coming.' All of a sudden, I enter 'VICE CITY RAMAGE MODE' and nearly ran some guy over"
- ]-[ellequin
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