Most of these are of my good self and my best mate at a very posh dinner we have every year as part of college. For those that don't know, I'm the one in the glasses. I've had to URL them as the scaling is all over the place...
This was taken on my pikey 1.33 Megapixel camera, but it does importantly show how bad we were at one point in the evening (yes, he was worse and eventually chundered in the grounds outside the posh manor house we were being hosted at)
This shot unfortunately made the School Magazine no less, L-->R Me, Darren and Chris, who not only ate his own dinner but most of our mate Dan's as well, as Dan is the fussiest eater on Earth.
Don't ask. I don't remember this happening and I am disturbed by it...
Even when I've enjoyed a few, my loyalty to Queen and Country shines through...
I still can't figure out if that's me choking, gagging or laughing at something amusing Darren has said - note that Darren is pulling a similar face - did they release poison gas into the dining hall and we don't remember it? Could be...
Will steals my glasses, though I don't seem too upset. Note how untidy my tie has got at this stage...
Me, looking unusually merry.
My favourite, neither of us remember having this photo taken and discovered it on Darren's camera the next morning... which also means we don't know who managed to liberate his camera from him.
A slightly more stripy
Gee_4ce, and more than just Something British...
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