Alls I know is that every single thread here is pointless if you come down to it.
But that's what makes it all work, gosh darn it. You see, this discussion forum is no longer a vibrant haven for developing community among people of similar interests. Nay, it has instead become, through the infinite perversion of our modern culture, merely a vehicle for narcissism, what with people posting willy-nilly this and that. 'Threads' are more like a bunch of chain links thrown in a pile. Instead of actually having a discussional progression, conversations become a matter of throwing out your opinion and moving on. It's more like a showcase. And when it isn't, it descends into the firey bowels of slagdom, where people obsessed with their notion of 'right' and 'wrong' think that the sole objective of their lonely existence is to prove that they are indeed the former and anyone who stands against them is woefully the latter, an idiot, and does not deserve to live. Even the least significant query, about perchance a bicycle, becomes yet another opportunity to slag slag slag once again and insult not only the topic of discussion, but he who proposed the topic, merely because it was irksome to have to view a topic unworthy of the slagger's consumption. If you don't like a thread, don't post there then. It's not worth your time. If, to you, it appears to have no worth or merit, but perhaps stands alone in a sea of other 'useful' threads, post in those other threads and not here, so this thread which you find such a sore to your browser will sink into the muck of obscurity.
That's my two cents.
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.