Cause I'm really bored, post schedules. Rawr.
+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Schedule of courses FALL 2005 REGISTRATION 19:13 08/05/05 | | {ENG - SO } | | | |Enrlmnt Crs Meeting | |Status Num Sec Title Hrs Days Start Stop Room | | | |Enl MATH 194 02 Methods of Linear Alg 3.0 MWF 11:10 12:00 SC 1117| |Enl PHYS 116B 03 General Physics-Engin 3.0 MWF 12:10 13:00 SC 4327| |Enl PHYS 118B 15 General Phys Lab-Engin 1.0 R 16:10 19:00 SC 6321| |Enl CS 212 02 Intro to Discrete Struct 3.0 TR 11:00 12:15 FGH 132| |Enl CS 231 01 Computer Organization 3.0 MWF 09:10 10:00 FGH 211| |Enl MUSL 153 01 History of Rock Music 3.0 MWF 13:10 14:00 SAR CIN| | Total hours: <16.0> | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+