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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Sometimes brothers are OK
Sometimes brothers are OK
2005-08-06, 6:16 PM #1
I can't honestly say that I often enjoy spending time with my brother, he's often very stubborn and thinks he knows the answers to everything, and often has a greater then thou attiude most of the time.

Recently tho, My brother can be ok.

1. I'm trying to find a job to get some student loans payed off, my brother ofered to put in a good word for me at the place he works and also talked to the woman who runs the local EB Games and after five min had a job lead for me. I took my application in, talked to the lady by name and I've got an interview on Mon.

2. I turned 19 last june and my brother took me out for a few games of pool, paid for gas, drinks and the pool.

it's weird, kidna creepy that he's doing nice stuff recently.

so, how about your siblings.
The Gas Station
2005-08-06, 6:42 PM #2
My sister is a Satan incarnate... but she's much easier to get along with now that I dont live with her.
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2005-08-06, 6:51 PM #3
My sister sometimes plane out lies or is too stubborn. But because I'm a mellow guy, I really don't care.
2005-08-06, 6:54 PM #4
My older brother and sister are fine.

My little brother is hell incarnate.
2005-08-06, 6:58 PM #5
I get along really well with my brither now. I have for at least five years now. We used to fight all the time, but that wasn't out of the ordinary for having brother 5 years younger.
Pissed Off?
2005-08-06, 8:43 PM #6
I have the best older brother in the world. Seriously.
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2005-08-06, 9:45 PM #7
My older sister (5 years senior) and I had our differences, up until about I started going to college. Then she and I were able to relate a lot more. She says she's getting me a keg for my birthday. w00t

My younger sister (10 years junior) and I don't connect on most levels. But that's probably because she's 10 and I'm 20.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2005-08-06, 9:48 PM #8
My older brother is ok, but my little sister is starting to bug the hell out of me, she follows me around when i am with my friends. :mad:
I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
2005-08-06, 11:07 PM #9
heh, see that's why my brother and his friends always liked me, I never bugged them
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2005-08-06, 11:30 PM #10
My bro is 15 years older than me, it feels like I never knew him and still don't. :(
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-08-07, 2:26 AM #11
Originally posted by Grant:
1. I'm trying to find a job to get some student loans payed off, my brother ofered to put in a good word for me at the place he works and also talked to the woman who runs the local EB Games and after five min had a job lead for me. I took my application in, talked to the lady by name and I've got an interview on Mon.

Grant, you can't have a 1 without having a 2!

My brother is kinda cool, although he's 7 years older than I am... He used to pull all kinds of **** on me, playing with my head, telling me he used to play soccer at AC Milan, etc... but now he more or less became more serious. He still laughs a lot, but he's afraid to dig deeper or take risks.
2005-08-07, 3:46 AM #12
I've got an unidentical twin brother. He's generally an abrasive b*stard, and really winds people up a lot. He's inconsiderate of others, and excessively selfish at times.

However, he has his moments, and it's possible to get along with him. He's supportive when the going is tough, and there to back me up.

So, yeah. I'd say he's a good brother, overall. He's not going to win an award for it, however.
"Whats that for?" "Thats the machine that goes 'ping'" PING!
Q. How many testers does it take to change a light bulb?
A. We just noticed the room was dark; we don't actually fix the problems.
MCMF forever.
2005-08-07, 3:53 AM #13
Originally posted by KOP_Snake:
My sister is a Satan incarnate... but she's much easier to get along with now that I dont live with her.

2005-08-07, 4:30 AM #14
They can both go die for the way they and the rest of the family treat me, my property, and anything else that remotely concerns me.
2005-08-07, 5:05 AM #15
We leave each other pretty much alone. I'm a lot closer with my friends than with my family.
2005-08-07, 6:02 AM #16
I have two younger brothers (21 & 23), and I love them dearly. We're as different as night and day, and that led to many problems when we were growing up, but over the years we've come to respect one another, and I'd do anything for either of them.
2005-08-07, 6:15 AM #17
Originally posted by Tenshu:
Grant, you can't have a 1 without having a 2!

My brother is kinda cool, although he's 7 years older than I am... He used to pull all kinds of **** on me, playing with my head, telling me he used to play soccer at AC Milan, etc... but now he more or less became more serious. He still laughs a lot, but he's afraid to dig deeper or take risks.

the bar thing was supposed to be #2, hehe.
The Gas Station
2005-08-07, 2:39 PM #18
My sister is two years older than me, and we get along great and relate alot. But she is very very evil sometimes.
The tired anthem of a loser and a hypocrite.
2005-08-07, 2:42 PM #19
My sister... do NOT get me started on her. O h My G od what a butthole. She wont stay out of my room.. off my computer... and every now and then she shows up naked, and then I puke. You get the idea.
This is not the sig you are looking for. Move along.
2005-08-07, 2:45 PM #20
Your like 12, so your younger sister must be she has a reason to be annoying.
Think while it's still legal.
2005-08-07, 2:47 PM #21
actually.. i was talking about the 23 year old one that signed up as the-elizabeth a few months ago and immediatly got banned for asking for sex..

my younger sister is an angel.
This is not the sig you are looking for. Move along.
2005-08-07, 3:54 PM #22
Originally posted by Ewoklover:
she follows me around when i am with my friends. :mad:

I have a younger sister (11) who does that, too, and it truly is annoying as hell. She's been really nice recently, which is great.
The man in black fled across the desert, and the Gunslinger followed...
2005-08-07, 4:11 PM #23
At 16, I'm the baby of the family, so I seem to annoy everyone else, even though I don try to. *sigh*
2005-08-07, 6:51 PM #24
I wish I had a hot 23 year old naked sister :( ...err, did I say sister? I meant cousin...I mean >.<
Think while it's still legal.
2005-08-07, 6:56 PM #25
Sister - Uggghhhh we have some pretty tense moments (she's a year younger than me)

Brother - Don't really know him all that well (17 years older)
That painting was a gift, Todd. I'm taking it with me.
2005-08-07, 7:24 PM #26
I have a little sister, and she's the greatest sister ever. An older brother and He's even greater :)
"The only crime I'm guilty of is love [of china]"
- Ruthven
me clan me mod
2005-08-07, 7:34 PM #27
My younger brother (by only a year) is often a pain. He likes to hurl insults at me and all that crap, not to mention hit me (and he's bigger than me). Hopefully he mellows out some in the next couple of years.

I have a half-brother who's about 16 years older than I am, so needless to say, I don't see him all that much and all.
2005-08-08, 5:33 PM #28
My two brothers are awesome! My older brother lives in NJ, so I don't get to see him that often, but we talk a lot on the phone and he was the one that got me into D&D. My younger brother goes to the same university as me, so we talk often and have our sibling bonding moments at the local Wal-Mart. I'm sure I annoy him a lot of the time, but that's the fun of being the middle child/only girl. :em321:
"Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it."
2005-08-08, 6:20 PM #29
My sister likes to plan other peoples' lives. Good thing she lives in Cali now.
2005-08-08, 6:38 PM #30
Well, my brother and I are either hit or miss. I'm generally extremely irritable around him unless we're doing something like playing some game together. He bugs the hell out of me, unless we're doing something.

So..I usually don't enjoy his company (at all) especially when he constantly hangs around with me and my friends, then gets my mom to back him up. but occassionally we get along...
I had a blog. It sucked.
2005-08-08, 6:39 PM #31
I'm an only child. Haha! I'm a happy person.
2005-08-08, 7:49 PM #32
My sis and I used to fight at least half the time when we were younger. She would get upset over some stupid little thing, and no matter what I did, my folks would get angry at me for aggravating her.

Now we have a pretty good relationship. We defend eachother against the wrath of our mother, and do favours as needed. My folks are away at the cottage this week, so since I work during the day, and drive her to and from Timmy Hoes when she has a shift, she takes care of most of the house work.

I can imagine that after she goes off to university in the fall, we'll have even more in common, and be that much closer. She'll get to experience the joy of breaking free of the 'rents, just as I did. :)
2005-08-09, 10:30 AM #33
My older brother (22) - Cool. Probably going to move in with him and my friend when he finds a place. He is a programmer at L3, working on flight control simulators. Not particularly close to him, but we get along really well.

Youngest sister (18) - Don't have a problem with her, but I rarely see or talk to her. You think I would talk to her more often, seeing as how we live in the same house, but it isn't the case.

Younger sister (19) - Psychopath. Don't really talk to her either, but she causes everyone a bit of grief.
[This message has been edited. Deal with it.]

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