Quib Mask
An Insightful Genius (whatever the snot that is)
Posts: 491
It has to have have leveling and some sort of crafting system (a system where the players believe they're making items) that require a massive timesink. It has to be tedious enough that the players will have to spend years in persuit of their goal(s), but not tedious enough as to drive them away.
Random number generation works wonders on the crafting system; if a player only has a 5% chance of successfully crafting what they want, they'll spend the time getting the items 20+ times until they succeed. Depending on component rarity, this could take several months. Lowering the chance to succeed can be used instead of component item rarity being as high.
Max level needs to not be the end of the use of experience earned. Some system for spending experience gained after reaching max level is a must; whether it be a system where experience is spent on non-enduring rewards, or just an alternate system of "levels" to dump the experience in to.
The ability to affect the environment needs to exist (instancing is BAD at this); enemies that take multiple days or a week to reappear are a prime example of this. Places where players can create buildings or leave some other semi-permanent mark also help. Requiring players to maintain what they've done is important to keeping them playing.
Death needs to be a penalty that sets the player back enough that they'll have to spend time recovering; not so ahrsh that it'll upset them and make them log off, but harsh enough that they'll have to spend an amount of time recouping their losses. Raw experience loss works here; they don't see the loss of experience constantly, and if they did log off and return later, they won't see anything that specifically shows how much they lost. Experience debt systems leave a much more painful mark on their screen showing that they screwed up. Allowing deleveling is a tough call, the drawbacks and benefits don't balance well.
Items should be the most important thing to the player, especially in creating a unique appearance for a player. Equipment colors and to a lesser extent styles will let players create a look other people will recognize them by. Item progression is important, but a formula needs to be created from that start that will avoid over-bloating of high end items.
Abilities and spells (assuming fantasy) need to not be automatically available. Whether they're a moneysink or a timesink, they need to be as defining to a player as their items.
If it's a MMORPG, PvP needs to be a sort of joke addition to the PvE reality of the game. A dueling system will keep those with eTestosterone issues placated; possibly even arena areas. I would discourage the use of PvP server(s), as random number combat really makes combat versus other players obnoxious, and a world where random numbers combined with people with wang insecurities decide if you're going to have fun today will just cause more harm than good.
I dunno, I guess that's it for now. Keep in mind this is my idea of both a good and successful MMOG. "Fun" is extremely subjective, and tedium is very important to a persistent game, whether people can deal with that or not.
I would love to see a MMOFPS that followed most of this; at current PlanetSide is the only viable MMOFPS and it lacks character customization and itemization. PvP is perfectly acceptable in a FPS environment, though PvE would be REALLY nice to have also.