Preparing for my upcoming journey to the mideast I've purchase a 2 Gig bug. Flash drive. For some reason people in my unit have always referred to flash drives as "bugs". I think it's a cool nick name so bug it is. Anyways, I bought a 2 gig bug and it arrived today. A month or so ago I picked up a Maximum PC magazine that referred to a portable Firefox that you run on any PC from the bug. So I finally go to download it and find much more portable goodness. Portable versions of OpenOfficeOrg (big fan of the regular), Sunbird, Thunderbird, and NVU (the latter three I've never used). So I'm downloading them all to my bug. I'll let you know how much of my two gigs is eaten up by these and how well they run on my restrictive government computer tomorrow when I get the chance.
Neat stuff!
Neat stuff!
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16