I need you massassi, as FAST as possible, I need recordings of people saying Guaould commands for my jaffa soliders in my mod, and I say SOON, cos its only got a week left to go and wanted to sex up my sounds.
ANyone wanting to have a go, say these words for me (shouting or speaking loudly)
Aray Kree!
Ha'shak !!
Kree'ta (KREE tah)
Na'binim? (Naa binim)
Ni'ya!! (Neeyah)
Renek!! (reh - NEK)
Rhe'u (REE-oo)
Tal'shak!!! (Taal - SHAK)
Thanks in advance, i KNOW you wont fail me massassi!!!
ANyone wanting to have a go, say these words for me (shouting or speaking loudly)
Aray Kree!
Ha'shak !!
Kree'ta (KREE tah)
Na'binim? (Naa binim)
Ni'ya!! (Neeyah)
Renek!! (reh - NEK)
Rhe'u (REE-oo)
Tal'shak!!! (Taal - SHAK)
Thanks in advance, i KNOW you wont fail me massassi!!!
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){ do her} elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){ do other babe} else{ do a dude}