Everyone post little features you find that might not be obvious
the first (more obvious) is that 1) multiple windows stick together and to the buddy list, 2) if you click on the title bar of each window it'll minmize/maximize to a bar and back out, which is neat
The second one is that you can format your text by doing the following:
*bold* = bold
_italiczed_ = italicized
Not quite sure what underline is yet.
If there are more formatting tools post em up ..
the first (more obvious) is that 1) multiple windows stick together and to the buddy list, 2) if you click on the title bar of each window it'll minmize/maximize to a bar and back out, which is neat
The second one is that you can format your text by doing the following:
*bold* = bold
_italiczed_ = italicized
Not quite sure what underline is yet.
If there are more formatting tools post em up ..