Not eating ISN'T how you lose weight. If you aren't eating, your metabolism ISN'T RUNNING, because it has nothing to freaking run on. If your metabolism isn't running, you aren't burning calories.
Alot of people assume that cutting down on the amount of meals you eat a day is going to help you lose weight. Especially a drastic cut. That doesn't work. That just scares the crap out of your body and makes it store more fat. You can't just swing diet, thats idiotic. You have to take baby steps. The freaking problem is that everyone wants a quick solution, and that isn't realistic. Losing weight quickly only means you're going to put it back on twice as fast, because you're causing your body to have a serious WTF moment.
And you can't just start and then stop. Eating healthy, maintaining a healthy weight, and staying active are ALL LIFESTYLE CHANGES. NOT SOMETHING FOR WHEN YOU FEEL LIKE IT. NOT AN OCASSIONAL THING. AN ALL THE TIME THING.
I had to do it, and yeah for a time, I had a serious problem. Most people call that problem anorexia, I call it stupidity on my part. And it was, and it still is because it's an uphill battle. So get used to it, because thats how all of your life should, is, and probably will be.