It's Gebohq and Losien! And in case anyone's interested...
Gebohq (pretty close to myself with what this program offers)
Body type: muscular (skinny if I were doing myself)
weight: lowest weight
skin tone: palest (default I think?)
age: youngest
hair style: long
hair color: the one that's the most red
facial hair: none
eyes: second from widest
eye color: darker blue
eyebrows: straight
nose: I stuck with basic (nose turned up if I were doing myself)
lips: between default and thinnest
jaw: between average and thinnest
t-shirt: first one (grey)
button down: blue (all their button downs for the guys look like crap)
pants: the blackest pair (again, crap)
Geb the party man!
Geb in his natural stance (cowering in fear).
Body type: skinny
weight: lowest type
age: youngest
chest size: largest
hair style: long 2
hair color: the lightest brown I think
eyes: second from widest
eye color:darker blue
nose: again, I stuck with basic
lips: between default and thinnest
jaw: between average and thinnest
t-shirt: white
pants: jeans skirt
Losien looking sexeh.
Losien looking innocent/cute. Awwwwww.
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