Here's what's been done so far:
version 0.96
- Thing limit in JKL is raised to 2*thing number+100
- Added a check for thing count in Consistency checker (warning if over 400)
- Added infromational messages when saving a JKL that hits thing limit
- Added an option to ignore JKL thing limit
- Added an option to dock the item editor, toolbar and 3D Preview windows
- When you try to select one of the several sectors/surfaces/edges/etc. that are on top of
each other JED now cycles through them in order of increasing distance from you.
- In frame mode JED now draws a line connecting the frames (thus showing the elevator
paths and such)
- Added a "Preserve tx coordinates" flag for surfaces. Surfaces like this retain their
U,V coordinates for most editing operations
- Added an option to change U,V coordinates for specific vertex. To do that select the edge
that starts with the desired vertex and use Ctrl+Shift+left,right and Ctrl+Shift+,.
- Removed minor memory leak in cleave procedure
- Added Scaling, Rotating and Flipping of vertices in the Tools dialog. Be careful with
those: careless rotating and scaling will mess up adjoins and flipping will turn sectors
inside out!
Not all operations has been adjusted to work properly with "preserved U,V" yet, but 'm working on it. Which bring me to the next point - pretty soon I'll have a version ready for beta-testing. Anybody up for that? There are severeal requirements to beta-testers:
- Be precise and thorough in reports - I have to be able to reproduce the problem in order to fix it.
- Be prompt and responsive. Beta-testing goes on for only so long. So the faster you respond the more gets done.
- Do not distribute beta copies.
Anybody has what it takes?
version 0.96
- Thing limit in JKL is raised to 2*thing number+100
- Added a check for thing count in Consistency checker (warning if over 400)
- Added infromational messages when saving a JKL that hits thing limit
- Added an option to ignore JKL thing limit
- Added an option to dock the item editor, toolbar and 3D Preview windows
- When you try to select one of the several sectors/surfaces/edges/etc. that are on top of
each other JED now cycles through them in order of increasing distance from you.
- In frame mode JED now draws a line connecting the frames (thus showing the elevator
paths and such)
- Added a "Preserve tx coordinates" flag for surfaces. Surfaces like this retain their
U,V coordinates for most editing operations
- Added an option to change U,V coordinates for specific vertex. To do that select the edge
that starts with the desired vertex and use Ctrl+Shift+left,right and Ctrl+Shift+,.
- Removed minor memory leak in cleave procedure
- Added Scaling, Rotating and Flipping of vertices in the Tools dialog. Be careful with
those: careless rotating and scaling will mess up adjoins and flipping will turn sectors
inside out!
Not all operations has been adjusted to work properly with "preserved U,V" yet, but 'm working on it. Which bring me to the next point - pretty soon I'll have a version ready for beta-testing. Anybody up for that? There are severeal requirements to beta-testers:
- Be precise and thorough in reports - I have to be able to reproduce the problem in order to fix it.
- Be prompt and responsive. Beta-testing goes on for only so long. So the faster you respond the more gets done.
- Do not distribute beta copies.
Anybody has what it takes?