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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Star Wars Gangsta Rap
Star Wars Gangsta Rap
2004-05-22, 2:36 PM #1
I was tryin to find it on the net and I couldn't. Can anyone give me a link or something? Thanks.

I play DDR.
I'm good at DDR.
I wish I wasn't the only one who plays DDR. :(
I need a signature SO amazing, and SO funny, that when you read it, you say, "Hey, that's pretty funny."
2004-05-22, 2:59 PM #2

google is your friend

"No good can ever come from staying with normal people"
-Outlaw Star
"Some people play tennis. I erode the human soul"
-Tycho, Penny Arcade
"I'm a Cannabal-Vegitarian. I will BBQ an employee if there is no veggie option"
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²[/i]
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²
"I consume the life essence itself!... Preferably medium rare" - Mauldis

2004-05-22, 3:14 PM #3
No I meant the MP3. I already got the video. I just wanted to know where I could get the MP3. It used to be on the net... says

I play DDR.
I'm good at DDR.
I wish I wasn't the only one who plays DDR. :(
I need a signature SO amazing, and SO funny, that when you read it, you say, "Hey, that's pretty funny."
2004-05-22, 4:27 PM #4
Bentframe used to be on, try there.
Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side
2004-05-22, 4:30 PM #5
Hmm... mp3 file, i'm not sure about. Sorry that i messed up there.

"No good can ever come from staying with normal people"
-Outlaw Star
"Some people play tennis. I erode the human soul"
-Tycho, Penny Arcade
"I'm a Cannabal-Vegitarian. I will BBQ an employee if there is no veggie option"
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²[/i]
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²
"I consume the life essence itself!... Preferably medium rare" - Mauldis

2004-05-22, 4:43 PM #6
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Evil_Tofu:
Bentframe used to be on, try there.</font> doesn't exist anymore... yeah it's been relaunched but it's not a place for artists anymore

eat right, exercise, die anyway
2004-05-22, 5:01 PM #7
Why not use kazaa ?
2004-05-22, 9:20 PM #8
Parents think that when I use Kazaa, my house will be raped by the RIAA and Paratroopers will be launched into my kitchen. Then they'll shoot me. So she thinks its illegal. Which it techinically is, but i don't wanna go through the trouble...ya know? If you have it though, let me know.

I play DDR.
I'm good at DDR.
I wish I wasn't the only one who plays DDR. :(
I need a signature SO amazing, and SO funny, that when you read it, you say, "Hey, that's pretty funny."
2004-05-23, 6:03 AM #9
Does she know about mIRC too? P2P programs are not illegal, using them for illegal purposes is. Just like a car.


<]-[ellequin> Nothing is quite as satisfying as placing a .177 lead pellet in between the eyes of a cat.
<]-[ellequin> I think I will leave it's corpse there, to warn all the other cats to keep out of my hibiscus patch

Live on, Adam.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2004-05-23, 8:28 AM #10
Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side
2004-05-23, 9:03 AM #11
What was the 'hardly' to, tofu? because Kirby is completely correct about kazaa, its all perfectly legal until you pirate stuff with it.

"No good can ever come from staying with normal people"
-Outlaw Star
"Some people play tennis. I erode the human soul"
-Tycho, Penny Arcade
"I'm a Cannabal-Vegitarian. I will BBQ an employee if there is no veggie option"
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²[/i]

[This message has been edited by Noble Outlaw (edited May 23, 2004).]
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²
"I consume the life essence itself!... Preferably medium rare" - Mauldis

2004-05-23, 9:11 AM #12
It's not the east or the west side...

No it's not!

It's not the north or the south side...

No it's not!

It's the DARK SIDE!

You are correct.

Anyhow, I have it, got it off kazaa. If you don't want to use kazaa, there are ways I can get it to you..

The Jedi's Saber
TJS Forums
If we aren't supposed to eat animals, why are they made of meat?
2004-05-23, 9:14 AM #13
sure warlord, sounds

I play DDR.
I'm good at DDR.
I wish I wasn't the only one who plays DDR. :(
I need a signature SO amazing, and SO funny, that when you read it, you say, "Hey, that's pretty funny."
2004-05-23, 9:38 AM #14
mirc? email? i could also possibly set up a torrent, but that would be a waste..

The Jedi's Saber
TJS Forums
If we aren't supposed to eat animals, why are they made of meat?
2004-05-23, 10:10 AM #15
Well, if its less than 3 megs, then send it to

I play DDR.
I'm good at DDR.
I wish I wasn't the only one who plays DDR. :(
I need a signature SO amazing, and SO funny, that when you read it, you say, "Hey, that's pretty funny."
2004-05-23, 12:21 PM #16
I don't like rap spoofs anymore.

Snail racing: (500 posts per line)


The Massassi JO/JA Single Player contest info
2004-05-23, 12:50 PM #17
I have it in my music. If I had the web space and the know-how, I'd post it for ya.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you are one of the hundreds of parachuting enthusiasts who bought out "Easy Sky Diving" book, please make the following correction: on page 8, line 7, the words "state zip code" should have read "pull rip cord."
IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you are one of the hundreds of parachuting enthusiasts who bought our "Easy Sky Diving" book, please make the following correction: on page 8, line 7, the words "state zip code" should have read "pull rip cord."
2004-05-23, 2:21 PM #18
awww man....

I play DDR.
I'm good at DDR.
I wish I wasn't the only one who plays DDR. :(
I need a signature SO amazing, and SO funny, that when you read it, you say, "Hey, that's pretty funny."

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