two of my friends lived across the street from each other while we were growing up. one at home and the other with his grand parents.
they were sitting in the grand parents basement one day (in 1982 btw) just doing what 13 year old kids do in thier grand parents basement. tv, comics, etc... one of them looked up for some reason and caught a glimpse up into the rafters between where the ceiling tiles weren't quite matched at the doorway. a one in a million glance. stacks of pr0n mags. STACKS!
over the next 6 months or so they frequented them often.
20 years later, grand parents passed on, and then my friend's mom passed on. he sold the house as he was the heir to it.
skip ahead another three years and the new owners are friends with the friend that lived with his parents across the street from the grand parents. he happened to mention to the new owner about the treasure they found as young teenagers. the new owner goes home and first thing he does is finds STACKS of pr0n from the 70's and 80's. good condition too. some are very good condition.
one of the magazines is called ontario swingers. now i know the swinger community in ontario is large enough to have it's own magazine published and i have to try not to picture my friend's grand parents as swingers. [shudder]
nice little find. a good find for e-bay.
they were sitting in the grand parents basement one day (in 1982 btw) just doing what 13 year old kids do in thier grand parents basement. tv, comics, etc... one of them looked up for some reason and caught a glimpse up into the rafters between where the ceiling tiles weren't quite matched at the doorway. a one in a million glance. stacks of pr0n mags. STACKS!
over the next 6 months or so they frequented them often.
20 years later, grand parents passed on, and then my friend's mom passed on. he sold the house as he was the heir to it.
skip ahead another three years and the new owners are friends with the friend that lived with his parents across the street from the grand parents. he happened to mention to the new owner about the treasure they found as young teenagers. the new owner goes home and first thing he does is finds STACKS of pr0n from the 70's and 80's. good condition too. some are very good condition.
one of the magazines is called ontario swingers. now i know the swinger community in ontario is large enough to have it's own magazine published and i have to try not to picture my friend's grand parents as swingers. [shudder]
nice little find. a good find for e-bay.