Ali G is genius. One of his best characters is Bruno (Funkyzeit!), the gay austrian TV show host.
I was cracking up when he went to a beach in California to meet some wrestlers. First, he pisses them off by wrestling with them and touching their asses at the same time, and then he lets them do a P-A-R-T-Y yell. But, everyytime they do it, he says they should do it with a little more energy. So, after like 6 times, these wrestling dudes are like totally enraged, jumping off their beach caravan, running around screaming like Gorillas or something. So he's got them all worked up, and then he asks one of them to say something to the camera for Austria Gay TV... rofl !! That guys is so pissed off he breaks his microphone in two!
The best one though, is where Borat goes to taste some wines... anyone seen that episode?
By the way: