No pictures to hand, but one of the most fun levels I ever played 1-on-1 DM was the first part of the level quite late on in episode 3 of Doom.
Basically it was one room with 8 alcoves around it with the spawn points in the alcoves. In each alcove was one of the weapon pickups. It had every weapon once. Basically you would spawn, pick up whatever weapon was in front of you, run out and hope you had spawned infront of a better gun than your opponent. One would die pretty quickly, and then the person not dead would despeartely dash for the best weapon, whilst the loser would respawn, obviously with full health, but not necessarily the best weapon.
Did I mention there was no health or ammo pickups in the room? The only ammo you got was the small amount that came with the gun, so you had to wait for it to respawn before you could get more.
[Edit: No, it was the secret mission on Episode 2: Fortress of Mystery. This page has a 3d picture of every Doom level - takes a while to load up, but pretty cool to see an overview of them: On the picture of E2M9 it's the flower like structure at the bottom left.]