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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Those Windows Commercials
Those Windows Commercials
2005-09-27, 9:41 PM #1
After seeing one of the commercials for Windows again, I started wondering, is there really any point in advertising Windows? The commercials are aimed at the average consumer, who will more than likely use Windows anyway. The only reason I can think of to air the commercials is to win over the Mac users.

However, it seems to me like Mac users use Macs because they like Macs, not because of advertising or anything else. Linux users use Linux because they enjoy software freedom and because they like tinkering with their software. The commercials are too simple to convince any Linux users to switch. Everyone else with a computer uses Windows. So I wonder, who are these commercials really intended for?
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
2005-09-27, 9:49 PM #2
ill be a mac user pretty soon just because im going into film...

but for everything else, windows will be my *****.
2005-09-27, 9:49 PM #3
And it's not like they have a relatively recent product, nor will they have one for at least a year.
2005-09-27, 9:56 PM #4
Their commericals make me like linux more.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-09-27, 9:56 PM #5
They are obviously a clever coverup for their brainwashing signals being sent through the TV.
Little angel go away
Come again some other day
Devil has my ear today
I'll never hear a word you say
2005-09-27, 10:34 PM #6
Had same question over at it...
So, what's the point?
Being XP out in the market for like 5 years, next one is coming out in like a year or so.

Utterly wrong time to air something that costs ton of money.
It's not like we forget about what Windows is just because no new version isn't out for 5 years...

Only if it was for a vista commercial in a year later time or something... made a little more sense.
2005-09-27, 10:38 PM #7
Originally posted by Hideki:
Had same question over at it...
So, what's the point?
Being XP out in the market for like 5 years, next one is coming out in like a year or so.

Utterly wrong time to air something that costs ton of money.
It's not like we forget about what Windows is just because no new version isn't out for 5 years...

Only if it was for a vista commercial in a year later time or something... made a little more sense.

Woah since when did u start posting...

anyways I agree the commercials are useless but I think the art and stuff in them is damn cool.
2005-09-27, 10:43 PM #8
Hmm, more than I thought I have.
2005-09-28, 12:14 AM #9
I've been noticing them pop up all the time aswell, it is indeed very odd for them to having Windows XP commercials. And like people have said, if your a Mac or Linux user, you want to and are proably set on being one reguardless of a commercial, because you sort of have to go out of your way to be a Mac or Linux user.

Personally, I think they just ran out of ways to spend money.
The tired anthem of a loser and a hypocrite.
2005-09-28, 12:57 AM #10
Perhaps they just want to sell as many copies of XP as possible before Vista is released.
Sorry for the lousy German
2005-09-28, 1:27 AM #11
I didn't even know they advertised. I'm yet to see a single windows ad ever. Guess they down air down-under.
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2005-09-28, 1:29 AM #12
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2005-09-28, 9:21 AM #13
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2005-09-28, 9:22 AM #14
Developers, developers, developers,developers,developers,developers,developers,developers,developers,developers,developers,developers,developers,developers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-09-28, 9:33 AM #15
I've seen a few on TV, and they've got them on posters in some subway stations... basically their main selling point is "Most software is compatible with Windows".

But I agree, this is a strange time to be advertising... they must have pretty much reached the point of market saturation, to the extent that airing ads would cost more than it would gain them in increased sales.
2005-09-28, 2:41 PM #16
runours of OSX for x86 architecture? MS is dead in the water (or at least downgraded to what they should be).
2005-09-28, 5:20 PM #17
[QUOTE=Darth Evad]runours of OSX for x86 architecture? MS is dead in the water (or at least downgraded to what they should be).[/QUOTE]

It's no more rumors, and people have already run Mac OS on x86 machines, albeit it's probably not going to be the legal thing to do.

And I think you don't know the actual market size of what Windows holds...
2005-09-28, 5:22 PM #18
Windows holds 80% of the desktop market (15% Mac, 5% Unix+Clones), and about 50% of the server market (the other 50% is Unix+Clones).

EDIT: Know what I just remembered? OSX is a Unix OS.
"u r dumb, stop or ill sue u
- jak thomsun

p.s. ur gay" - Victor Van Dort

New disclaimer - Any brain damage suffered as a result of typographical errors is the reader's liability.
2005-09-28, 5:31 PM #19
If that's the case, Mac holds more share than I imagined.
2005-09-28, 6:14 PM #20
Originally posted by FancyMan:
Windows holds 80% of the desktop market (15% Mac, 5% Unix+Clones), and about 50% of the server market (the other 50% is Unix+Clones).

EDIT: Know what I just remembered? OSX is a Unix OS.

That sounds like UTTER bs. I know windows holds like 90ish percent of the market, as linux only counts for ONE percent, I'm 99% sure (irony), and macs are ~5. Servers they control far less, if I remember right. I'd like to see a source.
2005-09-28, 6:23 PM #21
That's not irony.

(<---Irony Police)
2005-09-28, 6:25 PM #22
the girl who says "so wat Ill write about it blah blah" looked familar and i just realized its the girl from lizzie mcguire.

very important piece of information right there sure to read it a few times so you fully remember.
2005-09-28, 6:25 PM #23
If 1% of people use linux, why does valve make steam for linux?
2005-09-28, 6:27 PM #24
Originally posted by BurrBoy:
Personally, I think they just ran out of ways to spend money.

Haha, that might be true. It would be sad if that is the case though. :(

But still, it made me laugh! :p
My JK Level Design | 2005 JK Hub Level Pack (Plexus) | Massassi Levels
2005-09-28, 6:27 PM #25
"its the girl from lizzie mcguire."
"its the girl from lizzie mcguire."
"its the girl from lizzie mcguire."
"its the girl from lizzie mcguire."
"its the girl from lizzie mcguire."
"its the girl from lizzie mcguire."
"its the girl from lizzie mcguire."
"its the girl from lizzie mcguire."
"its the girl from lizzie mcguire."
"its the girl from lizzie mcguire."
"its the girl from lizzie mcguire."
"its the girl from lizzie mcguire."

ok got it i think
2005-09-28, 6:31 PM #26
Originally posted by saberopus:
"its the girl from lizzie mcguire."
"its the girl from lizzie mcguire."
"its the girl from lizzie mcguire."
"its the girl from lizzie mcguire."
"its the girl from lizzie mcguire."
"its the girl from lizzie mcguire."
"its the girl from lizzie mcguire."
"its the girl from lizzie mcguire."
"its the girl from lizzie mcguire."
"its the girl from lizzie mcguire."
"its the girl from lizzie mcguire."
"its the girl from lizzie mcguire."

ok got it i think

theres a test at the end of the week.
2005-09-28, 6:33 PM #27
Getting off the rail.

And I think it's not false that Linux is 1%, though I don't have a source of information.
Valve is just doing this for friendliness if that's what they can afford...

I'm sure out of Linux client on a game, it's more of a loss of profit than doing only Windows, better yet console games are much easier to make. I don't remember if any Valve games had Linux clients though.

Besides, there are many Linux servers out there, which Valve probably wants servers to run on, so they make it for the benefit, not many machines from consumers have 24/7 turned on Windows, maybe client is just a side effect of making server version on Linux.

A bit speculative.
2005-09-28, 6:35 PM #28
THis should answer all questions as regards what OS's people are using -

I quote:
Current trend is that Windows XP is growing fast. The windows family counts for about 90%:

As of September 2005:

Win XP W2000 Win 98 Win NT Win .NET Linux Mac
69.2% 15.8% 3.2% 0.5% 1.7% 3.3% 3.1%
My JK Level Design | 2005 JK Hub Level Pack (Plexus) | Massassi Levels
2005-09-28, 6:55 PM #29
Originally posted by Reid:
If 1% of people use linux, why does valve make steam for linux?
It's for servers; there are no linux-native versions of Source or versions of Steam that will let you play games.
2005-09-28, 6:56 PM #30
We must all remeber, that 90% of commercials (at least I see) are useless, waste of money time-eaters. [Edit:] In my opinion, as people that see "(at least I see)" see it as a statistical viewpoint based on facts through my perspective, whileas it's only opinion.

Informative or controversal commercials (Such as, let's say, a reality show where 10 or so inmates are loaded with flamethrowers and grenade launchers that try to kill each other in New York's streets or something) is interesting. Unfortunatly, it is rare.
2005-09-28, 6:59 PM #31
How are 90% (source?) of ads are useless? Because they don't make you buy anything doesn't mean no one buys. You are not the targeted group of consumers.
2005-09-28, 7:17 PM #32
We must all remeber, that 90% of commercials (at least I see) are useless, waste of money time-eaters.
That's not true. If marketing didn't work, people wouldn't do it.

And, Burr beat kinda me to it, but I was gonna say, maybe they're just doing it to show people that they have enough money to advertise even when they don't need to.
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2005-09-28, 7:21 PM #33
Originally posted by Echoman:
How are 90% (source?) of ads are useless? Because they don't make you buy anything doesn't mean no one buys. You are not the targeted group of consumers.


that 90% of commercials (at least I see) are useless,
2005-09-28, 7:25 PM #34
well.. you could have said, "We must all remeber, that 90% of commercials (at least I see) are, to me, useless, waste of money time-eaters."
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2005-09-28, 7:26 PM #35
Originally posted by Sarn_Cadrill:
well.. you could have said, "We must all remeber, that 90% of commercials (at least I see) are, to me, useless, waste of money time-eaters."

Edited to your satisfaction.
2005-09-28, 8:38 PM #36
I farted. My fingers smell funny now.

Sorry, just trying to eat time. I'm bored.
The cake is a lie... THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!!!
2005-09-30, 7:39 AM #37
I think they just want to improve their image. They don't want that people think of them as a big corp that just wants to make money. We have Microsoft commercials here in Germany, too. They show their nice human side, that just wants to support everybody. I mean, they even have a version for third world countries!
My levels
2005-09-30, 11:06 AM #38
Originally posted by Anovis:

You edited your post.
2005-09-30, 11:09 AM #39
Originally posted by Cazor:
ill be a mac user pretty soon just because im going into film...

but for everything else, windows will be my *****.

The whole MAC video editing thing is a myth... they're no better than pc.
>>untie shoes
2005-09-30, 11:13 AM #40
Now now now. I'm sure the placebo effect is a significant improvement for people with such minimal skill that they're conned by that myth.

Not only are x86 processors much more powerful for cost than a G5, but soon Macs will be using them too. There is no point buying a Mac unless you really like OSX.

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