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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Town police now certified to draw blood when pulling you over
Town police now certified to draw blood when pulling you over
2005-09-28, 10:18 PM #41
Originally posted by Avenger:
The exact same issues would come up where ever they offer the blood test.

Yes, but you aren't being taken to the jail, handcuffed and FORCED to give blood. If you go to Carter blood care and they ask the questions and you lie, they can say "Oh well, you idiot." But if they pull you over and you refuse to take the blood test, they will take you to the jail, restrain you and withdraw the blood. Then they are gonna be screwed when you won't stop bleeding.
I can't think of anything to put here right now.
2005-09-28, 10:25 PM #42
It's been an issue as long as they have had blood test, but I've never heard of someone bleeding out a police station because they got pricked in the arm. They'll have plenty of time to get the occasional hemopheliac to a hospital. A prick tothe finger or arm isn't going to cause some one to bleed out in a matter of minutes.
Pissed Off?
2005-09-28, 10:35 PM #43
Hmm ok:

Driver "hey, yeah Im not drunk! Honest!"

Cop "Then take this blood test to prove it."

Driver "No, I refuse to."

Gets arrested, taken to station, gets tested.

Driver "I'm a hemophiliac, good job."

Cop "Wow, you weren't drunk. Now we gotta waste more of your time and take you to a hospital. Hope you weren't going anywhere important."

Yeah, so not only do they waste your time dragging you to a station, testing you, then they gotta rush you to the hospital (which btw is at least 15 minutes away even if you are rushing it) to get treated? Good job. I smell class action lawsuit.
I can't think of anything to put here right now.
2005-09-28, 10:52 PM #44
First, they don't just pull you over and make you take a blood test. When the officer comes to the car and asks for license, registration and proof of insurance, he or she is going to engage the person in a converastion. If the officer suspected the the person was driving drunk they will observe the person's speech and note if there is a smell of alcohol on the driver's breath. If the officer smells alcohol or notices slurred speech, he is going to get the driver out of the car and adminster a field sobriety test. Walk in a straight line, recite the alphabet, touch your finger to your nose, follow the pen with just your eyes. If those thest are failed, the officer will then ask a person to submit to a breathalizer or, in this case, a blood test.

See, you left out a whole bunch of steps that are designed to prevent non-drunk people from being dragged down to the station. If the person doesn;t know they are a hemopheliac, well, then it will have to be dealt with as it occurs. If the person does know, there are two other options; breath or urine.

Look, it's just another option for the police officers in the field. If you think they are going to be pulling poeple jsut to try out their blood test kits you are insane.
Pissed Off?
2005-09-28, 10:59 PM #45
Class action lawsuits involve a large group of people affected. The contingincy of a hemophiliac person is probably been considered. Look there's a real simple solution to this whole conundrum.


Seriously. Why is this such a fuss?
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2005-09-28, 11:00 PM #46
Avenger, sooner or later they are gonna screw up. They might pull a guy over who is running late to his brother's wedding, spent all ngiht drinking and was "swerving" to try and cut through traffic to get to the church. Cop pulls him over, maybe has a little bit of alcohol on his breath or smells of it cause he was drunk the previous night, bloodshot eyes from a hang over, whatever. Maybe they got almost no sleep, can't think clearly.

Lord knows when I don't get enough sleep, I'd get tested. Hell, I have been. I got off work one night at 1 am, my eyes were bloodshot red and I could barely speak straight. I was sober, but got pulled over and the cop started questioning me regarding alcohol. The only reason why I wasn't given the test was 1.) Didn't smell like alcohol and 2.) I was more than willing to hop out of my car and do my ABCs. By the time I got home, I was asleep on impact with my bed. When I am really tired, I appear intoxicated or on drugs.
I can't think of anything to put here right now.
2005-09-28, 11:10 PM #47
Originally posted by THRAWN:
Avenger, sooner or later they are gonna screw up. They might pull a guy over who is running late to his brother's wedding, spent all ngiht drinking and was "swerving" to try and cut through traffic to get to the church. Cop pulls him over, maybe has a little bit of alcohol on his breath or smells of it cause he was drunk the previous night, bloodshot eyes from a hang over, whatever. Maybe they got almost no sleep, can't think clearly.

Lord knows when I don't get enough sleep, I'd get tested. Hell, I have been. I got off work one night at 1 am, my eyes were bloodshot red and I could barely speak straight. I was sober, but got pulled over and the cop started questioning me regarding alcohol. The only reason why I wasn't given the test was 1.) Didn't smell like alcohol and 2.) I was more than willing to hop out of my car and do my ABCs. By the time I got home, I was asleep on impact with my bed. When I am really tired, I appear intoxicated or on drugs.

Still, I wouldn't deem you fit to operate a motor vehicle. Your judgment and reaction times are still impared by hangover, sleeplessness, residual alcohol. You may not be legally drunk but you're still impared and a potential threat to other motorists/pedestrians.
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2005-09-28, 11:24 PM #48
Originally posted by THRAWN:
Avenger, sooner or later they are gonna screw up. They might pull a guy over who is running late to his brother's wedding, spent all ngiht drinking and was "swerving" to try and cut through traffic to get to the church. Cop pulls him over, maybe has a little bit of alcohol on his breath or smells of it cause he was drunk the previous night, bloodshot eyes from a hang over, whatever. Maybe they got almost no sleep, can't think clearly.

And you want people driving like that to go back on the road? You are insane.

Originally posted by THRAWN:
Lord knows when I don't get enough sleep, I'd get tested. Hell, I have been. I got off work one night at 1 am, my eyes were bloodshot red and I could barely speak straight. I was sober, but got pulled over and the cop started questioning me regarding alcohol. The only reason why I wasn't given the test was 1.) Didn't smell like alcohol and 2.) I was more than willing to hop out of my car and do my ABCs. By the time I got home, I was asleep on impact with my bed. When I am really tired, I appear intoxicated or on drugs.

But the system worked! You didn't have to take a breath/urine/blood test! Also, in your case, a blood test would have cleared you on the spot rather than having to go down to the station to be further inconvinienced!
Pissed Off?
2005-09-29, 12:05 PM #49
Originally posted by JediGandalf:
Still, I wouldn't deem you fit to operate a motor vehicle. Your judgment and reaction times are still impared by hangover, sleeplessness, residual alcohol. You may not be legally drunk but you're still impared and a potential threat to other motorists/pedestrians.

True as it may be, the person still might not be arrested for "drunk" driving when they are merely tired. Unless I am wrong, there is no law against driving tired. It's if you cause an accident that they can get you in trouble.

Avenger, had the cop of pulled a needle out and said "I gotta take your blood", I'd of freaked out and found out how fast those cars really are because I'd of peeled out.

I just think it's a dumb law, and that it's another way DWG will make people's lives difficult. This, and the license plate law (If you have a cover over your rear plate and it so much as touches the word Texas, it's a $500 fine and even if you remove it, you still must pay the fine).
I can't think of anything to put here right now.
2005-09-29, 5:36 PM #50
Originally posted by THRAWN:
True as it may be, the person still might not be arrested for "drunk" driving when they are merely tired. Unless I am wrong, there is no law against driving tired. It's if you cause an accident that they can get you in trouble.

Reckless Endangerment.
2005-09-29, 5:51 PM #51
Originally posted by THRAWN:
Avenger, had the cop of pulled a needle out and said "I gotta take your blood", I'd of freaked out and found out how fast those cars really are because I'd of peeled out.

Brilliant. :rolleyes: After they arrest you for resisting arrest, they'll take you down to the police station, book you, then adminster a blood test to see if you were drunk.
Pissed Off?
2005-09-29, 6:12 PM #52
Originally posted by JediGandalf:
Class action lawsuits involve a large group of people affected. The contingincy of a hemophiliac person is probably been considered. Look there's a real simple solution to this whole conundrum.


Seriously. Why is this such a fuss?

Common Sense FTW!

... unfortunately though... Common Sense isn't so common anymore... :(
The cake is a lie... THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!!!
2005-09-29, 9:10 PM #53
Originally posted by Freelancer:
Only people who have or are planning to commit crime in the future think it's bad for the government to have your DNA. There is no logically defensible reason against the government having your DNA other than past or future criminal activity.

It's completely illogical to think that a) everyone who has access to that information is 100% trustworthy, and b) the government will properly safeguard the information in the first place.
2005-09-29, 9:15 PM #54
Originally posted by Avenger:
Brilliant. :rolleyes: After they arrest you for resisting arrest, they'll take you down to the police station, book you, then adminster a blood test to see if you were drunk.

Actually, I never broke the law when he pulled me over. He claimed I ran a red light that was clearly green when I entered the intersection. He never showed up for court.
I can't think of anything to put here right now.
2005-09-29, 9:29 PM #55
Originally posted by Brian:
It's completely illogical to think that a) everyone who has access to that information is 100% trustworthy, and b) the government will properly safeguard the information in the first place.

And this, despite the creation of Massassi, is why I love Brian.
omnia mea mecum porto
2005-09-29, 9:38 PM #56
Originally posted by Brian:
It's completely illogical to think that a) everyone who has access to that information is 100% trustworthy, and b) the government will properly safeguard the information in the first place.

Quite true. Especially the latter part. My school used to use social security numbers as student IDs numbers. When students would need to signup to have user ids activated, we needed their social security number. Also we have students sign contracts for checkout equipment purposes. I don't know who's the genius behind this idea but we needed to have student ID numbers written on the contract. And guess what, they were SSNs. To this day, I believe there is a pile of "contracts" sitting in a drawer with SSNs on them.

Moral of the story: Not only is it 100% illogical that to expect that government institutions to safeguard your most valuable information but it's 100% logical to assume that government institutions give two ****s about your most valuable information.
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2005-09-29, 9:44 PM #57
Originally posted by Roach:
And this, despite the creation of Massassi, is why I love Brian.

I thought it was the rock hard abs.
2005-09-29, 9:50 PM #58
Originally posted by THRAWN:
I just think it's a dumb law, and that it's another way DWG will make people's lives difficult. This, and the license plate law (If you have a cover over your rear plate and it so much as touches the word Texas, it's a $500 fine and even if you remove it, you still must pay the fine).

At a certain point you have to ask yourself "why am I so worked up about this?" and if the answer is "I get pulled over all the time and it's inconvenient" maybe you should consider why you're getting pulled over all the time. Perhaps you should take steps to avoid this.
2005-09-29, 9:51 PM #59
Originally posted by Rob:
I thought it was the rock hard abs.

That only makes it more enjoyable when the spooning commences.
omnia mea mecum porto
2005-09-30, 4:59 AM #60
when i read the title of the thread i thought of cops making people bleed.


license and registration please
2005-09-30, 5:59 AM #61
f' the police
I <3 Massassi
2005-09-30, 10:33 PM #62
Originally posted by Jdogg0403:
f' the police

Good call.
2005-09-30, 10:56 PM #63
Only if its a hot female cop though.

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