You'll need the 5.9 Cats
For those who don't know what Transparency AA is:
Games sometimes use textures instead of polygons because it's cheaper (to process) and easier. Leaves on trees are often done this way. Anyway, with transparent textures, the texels in the texture have hard edges of transparency. One texel is transparent, the next isnt. When these texels get scaled up and rendered, you see jaggies on the screen which are not taken care of by normal antialiasing because they are not a polygonal edge.
Transparency AA fixes this by supersampling the texture with the background, providing smooth textures as well as polygonal edges.
The result is that ALL jaggies are gone. You may have noticed in some games like HL2 or BF2 that leaves and other foliage, maybe some railings often have jaggies even when FSAA is on. This is the solution.
And it works with every ATi card from 9X00 onwards with a small performance hit that is only taken when transparent textures on being displayed.
Change the ASTT_NA setting to 0.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Video\{5A61609A-036A-4D32-B447-F0E42DA9714D}\0000
5A61609A-036A-4D32-B447-F0E42DA9714D this number is different for everyone, you will probably have more than one in the /Video/ subset. You can tell which ones you need to change by checking what the CatalystVersion is in the /0000/ subset (you only need to change the ones where CatalystVersion is 5.9). I had two of these big number subsets to change. You may have multiple numbers at the location because of multiple driver installation but only one is active. To be sure just change the value in every one that is 5.9.
Now you have to do a driver refresh by manually changing the AA or AF settings in the tray icon or in CCC. The screen should flicker black and then the icons rebuild. Now check in the tray icon, "Adaptive AA" should now be an option you can turn on under antialiasing. The same option will be in the CCC options.
I feel bad for all you 6800 folks as it seems nVidia is only providing for Transparency AA on the 7800 series while pretty much everyone with an ATi gets it.
ENJOY! This finally makes AA worth it, especially in HL2.
For those who don't know what Transparency AA is:
Games sometimes use textures instead of polygons because it's cheaper (to process) and easier. Leaves on trees are often done this way. Anyway, with transparent textures, the texels in the texture have hard edges of transparency. One texel is transparent, the next isnt. When these texels get scaled up and rendered, you see jaggies on the screen which are not taken care of by normal antialiasing because they are not a polygonal edge.
Transparency AA fixes this by supersampling the texture with the background, providing smooth textures as well as polygonal edges.
The result is that ALL jaggies are gone. You may have noticed in some games like HL2 or BF2 that leaves and other foliage, maybe some railings often have jaggies even when FSAA is on. This is the solution.
And it works with every ATi card from 9X00 onwards with a small performance hit that is only taken when transparent textures on being displayed.
Change the ASTT_NA setting to 0.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Video\{5A61609A-036A-4D32-B447-F0E42DA9714D}\0000
5A61609A-036A-4D32-B447-F0E42DA9714D this number is different for everyone, you will probably have more than one in the /Video/ subset. You can tell which ones you need to change by checking what the CatalystVersion is in the /0000/ subset (you only need to change the ones where CatalystVersion is 5.9). I had two of these big number subsets to change. You may have multiple numbers at the location because of multiple driver installation but only one is active. To be sure just change the value in every one that is 5.9.
Now you have to do a driver refresh by manually changing the AA or AF settings in the tray icon or in CCC. The screen should flicker black and then the icons rebuild. Now check in the tray icon, "Adaptive AA" should now be an option you can turn on under antialiasing. The same option will be in the CCC options.
I feel bad for all you 6800 folks as it seems nVidia is only providing for Transparency AA on the 7800 series while pretty much everyone with an ATi gets it.
ENJOY! This finally makes AA worth it, especially in HL2.
New! Fun removed by Vinny :[