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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Recommend me some reading
Recommend me some reading
2005-10-04, 1:49 PM #1
Like the title says, recommend me some books. Typically I read a lot of sci-fi and fantasy novels, but really I'll read anything that's good.
I bet you think that's funny, don't you.
2005-10-04, 1:54 PM #2
"Discworld" everything.
2005-10-04, 1:56 PM #3
"Survivor," by Chuck Palahniuk.
"Lullaby," by Chuck Palahniuk.
"Fight Club," by Chuck Palahniuk.

"The Madness Season," by C.S. Friedman
"Black Sun Rising," by C.S. Friedman
"Crown of Shadows," by C.S. Friedman
"When True Night Falls," by C.S. Friedman
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2005-10-04, 1:58 PM #4
"The Fionavar Tapestry" if you like Fantasy. This is better than the Lord of the Rings, in my opinion.

Other very interesting reads would be, Fear Nothing and its sequel, Seize the Night, by Dean Koonz.

And of course there is playboy.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2005-10-04, 1:59 PM #5
The Sword of Truth Series, but Terry Goodkind, starting on "The wizard's first rule"
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2005-10-04, 2:02 PM #6
"Ah...beautiful." *THUMP*

"Oh my god are you Steven King??"

"No, I'm Dean Koontz!"


*Thump* *thump*
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2005-10-04, 2:14 PM #7
I Robot series, Foundation series are both very good. Scifi also.

2005-10-04, 2:29 PM #8
I also forget the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. :o
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2005-10-04, 2:29 PM #9
Not scifi, but really good books:
Dan browns books, Da Vinci Code, Digital Fortress, Demons and Angels
John Grisham books, lawyers and law and stuff, but crazy stuff happens so its cool.

I'm trying to think of some book, it's about this black swarm of nanotechnology insects or something, was really good. Maybe someone here will recognize it. That's probably more of a kind of book up your alley.
2005-10-04, 2:35 PM #10
Originally posted by Emon:
"Ah...beautiful." *THUMP*

"Oh my god are you Steven King??"

"No, I'm Dean Koontz!"


*Thump* *thump*

I like Dean Koontz :(
I like Family Guy too, though, so it's alright.

Read A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin. It's a series, not one book, first is entitled 'A Game of Thrones'.
also good:
American Gods by Neil Gaiman
Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson
Catch-22 by Joseph Hellier
anything by Vonnegut or Palahniuk

Do not read the Wheel of Time. Trust me, you will want to kill yourself by the tenth book. I still can't believe I read every single one of those. :mad:
2005-10-04, 2:36 PM #11
Originally posted by Jepman:
Other very interesting reads would be, Fear Nothing and its sequel, Seize the Night, by Dean Koonz.

Agreed. Also good are Watchers and Dark Rivers of the Heart.
2005-10-04, 2:46 PM #12
[QUOTE=Glyde Bane]The Sword of Truth Series, but Terry Goodkind, starting on "The wizard's first rule"[/QUOTE]


Dragonlance, Ender's Game/Shadow, Catch 22, and anything by Neal Stephenson. There's more, but they've either been mentioned or I don't feel like mentioning them.
2005-10-04, 2:59 PM #13
Hard Contact by Karen Traviss

a must-have if you like republic commando
tofu sucks
2005-10-04, 4:20 PM #14
I remember enjoying a lot of Anne McCaffrey's books in middle school.

Also, another vote for Discworld and also Hitchhiker's Guide if you haven't read that.
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
2005-10-04, 4:25 PM #15

2005-10-04, 4:33 PM #16
Everything by Ray Bradbury or Neal Stephenson is very good.
2005-10-04, 4:35 PM #17
The Forge of God by Greg Bear is the single best science fiction book ever written ever.
2005-10-04, 4:36 PM #18
Prey! That's the book I was thinking of. Definataly would suggest picking it up.
2005-10-04, 4:36 PM #19
American Gods by Neil Gaiman.
The New Inquisition by Rober Anton Wilson.
"Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it."
2005-10-04, 4:39 PM #20
[QUOTE=Squirrel King]Not scifi, but really good books:
Dan browns books, Da Vinci Code, Digital Fortress, Demons and Angels

I second that. I just read The Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demonsand they were really good and quite easy to read. I'm going to grab more of his books to read.
Pissed Off?
2005-10-04, 4:41 PM #21
I thought about reading The DaVinci Code...then stopped when an emocode nearly orgasmed at how "deep and though provoking" it was, then went on to discuss how George Bush was ruining the habitat in Alaska for oil money...and then went on to say how he's had an important hand in hooking the country onto drugs in the last 5 years.

2005-10-04, 4:43 PM #22
I've also heard very good things about Roger Zelasny's The Great Book of Amber, though I've yet to pick it up myself. Amazon has a pretty good deal on it now though, so it may be the time to get it.
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
2005-10-04, 4:44 PM #23
Airborn book kicks *** [Yes thats correct spelling]
2005-10-04, 4:46 PM #24

Neal Stephenson. Snow Crash is good, too.
2005-10-04, 4:47 PM #25
The Federalist Papers
2005-10-04, 4:48 PM #26
Axis wins. Read something good and worthwhile, not this scifi trash.
2005-10-04, 4:57 PM #27
Originally posted by ':
-[ellequin']Axis wins. Read something good and worthwhile, not this scifi trash.

Have you read Cryptonomicon? Or Ender's Game? They're not "sci-fi trash" and they're quite worthwhile... I usually don't rise to the bait that you laid mostly to entice us into flamewars, but I felt you were erronneous in this.
2005-10-04, 5:00 PM #28
The Historian? Haha

I accidentally ran into this book at borders yesterday because of its attention-drawing cover .. read a few chapters and the plot synopsis on the jacket seems pretty good

apparently right now it's the #1 best seller, tho I hadn't heard of it until yesterday
2005-10-04, 5:04 PM #29
1984 is a good read. I like the ending.

And Rule of the Bone is enjoyable. I forget the author though.
2005-10-04, 5:06 PM #30
The Giver

If you don't read it and love it, you suck.
Think while it's still legal.
2005-10-04, 5:07 PM #31
Hellequin: What fiction do you read?
2005-10-04, 5:13 PM #32
the Dark Elf books by RA Salvatore

Yes all of them. Easy reading too.
2005-10-04, 5:17 PM #33
Yes, 1984.

Ender's Game and the rest of the books.
2005-10-04, 5:18 PM #34
[QUOTE=Connection Problem]the Dark Elf books by RA Salvatore

Yes all of them. Easy reading too.[/QUOTE]

I was never a fan of Salvatore. As a result, I ended up liking Dragonlance a WHOLE LOT more than Forgotten Realms.
2005-10-04, 5:29 PM #35
Battletech series, Namely anything in it that is written by Micheal Stackpole.
Also, may i suggest []Reader²[/url]?
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2005-10-04, 5:32 PM #36
Originally posted by ':
-[ellequin']Axis wins. Read something good and worthwhile, not this scifi trash.

It's reading for enjoyment...? Some stuff commonly (or perhaps merely by those who haven't bothered to investigate -_-) referred to as Sci-Fi Trash are really thought-provoking works with serious literary merit. Just because decades or centuries haven't passed for literary critics and scholars to sort the good from the bad and to effectively analyze a works durability and value doesn't mean a work is of poor quality.

Cryptonomicon? Amazing book. It's fun to read, VERY immersive, and contains, aside from a lot of good historical commentary, much information on international economics, banking, trade, and politics. It's a fascinating book...

Snow Crash is a little more "Trash Sci-Fi" but its discussions of language and thought as carriers of a virus are interesting... the whole meta-virus / babel discussion in that book is great.
2005-10-04, 5:36 PM #37
Also, another good idea is the Warcraft books, if you're interested in the games at all. I personally recommend "The last guardian" which has to do with karazhan, the most amazing piece of Warcraft lore IMO.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2005-10-04, 5:38 PM #38
Nobody's mentioned the Mars Trilogy yet? For shame...

Red Mars, Green Mars, and Blue Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson.
2005-10-04, 5:43 PM #39
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]I thought about reading The DaVinci Code...then stopped when an emocode nearly orgasmed at how "deep and though provoking" it was, then went on to discuss how George Bush was ruining the habitat in Alaska for oil money...and then went on to say how he's had an important hand in hooking the country onto drugs in the last 5 years.


I really is a good book, and it does make you think a little bit.
Pissed Off?
2005-10-04, 5:50 PM #40
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]I was never a fan of Salvatore. As a result, I ended up liking Dragonlance a WHOLE LOT more than Forgotten Realms.[/QUOTE]

Ah, see I was already engrossed in FR from playing BG and stuff. That definitly makes me enjoy Salvatore's FR books alot more. I haven't read any Dragonlance yet, maybe once I am free of the bonds of schoolwork I'll check it out.

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