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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Good Modern Fighter Aircraft game?
Good Modern Fighter Aircraft game?
2004-05-26, 4:26 PM #1
Like F-18, F-22, Eurofighter, migs etc....

made recently and has good graphics and good gameplay! Joystick stuff!

any suggestions, it's been a long time since i've played any game like this

i think the last one i played was F-22 1 and that was probably 5 years ago.

I miss heat seaking missle and super sonic dogfights []

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">whenever any form of government becomes destructive to securing the rights of the governed, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it</font>

---Thomas jefferson, Declaration of Independance.
whenever any form of government becomes destructive to securing the rights of the governed, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it
---Thomas jefferson, Declaration of Independance.
2004-05-26, 4:39 PM #2
I think the one I played was F-22 lightning 3... that game was amazing. There was a virtually lag-free multiplayer with like 20 people at once in the same game over a 28.8, and each team had their own runway, then occasionally you'd have the opposing team trying to bomb your base.. it was a ton of fun.

WAITER: Here’s your green salad, sir.
ANAKIN: What? You fool, I told you NO CROUTONS! Aaaaaaargh!
The music industry is a cruel and shallow money trench where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.
2004-05-26, 5:46 PM #3
There's one guy here, I think it's SithNazgul, who is a flying game addict... Where is he? []

The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2004-05-26, 5:59 PM #4
Right here! Im happy you remembered me []

Ok modern stuff?

LOMAC, from what Ive seen doesnt seem to be good. However, this was based off 10 minutes in the demo and being yelled at by the russian equavilent of *****in' Betty.

The one I recomend is Falcon 4, but only with SuperPack 4. To get super pack 4, you must go to I believe.

This is a fantastic mod for Falcon 4. The amount of complexity is astouding, and you will be quite overworked on attack run, just as the real pilots are.
For instance ot attack a tank with a Maverick:

- Fly the plane.
- Listen to the radio.
- Watch the instruments for any problems.
- Dont ram the ground.
- Put radar in correct mode (ground), then correct submode(for a target moving > 5 kph I think, you need it in Moving Target mode).
- Lock the target on using the radar.
- Select the maverick
- Power on the maverick
- Change MFD to WPN mode.
- Uncage the seaker head.
- Locate the target
- Lock on the target.
- Fire the missile.
- Dodge ground fire.
- Watch for enemy planes.

Keep in mind, you have about 5-6 seconds to do all this.

But dam its a good game []

Note: its not all that modern, but its graphics do not detract from the gameplay at all. In fact they dont look all that bad.

Founder of the Massassi Brute Squad (MBS)

B'tduz: A popular dwarfish game which consists of standing a few feet apart and throwing large rocks at one another's head.

"Yes, it's a bloody flying alligator setting fire to my city!" - His Grace His Excellency the Duke of Ankh, Commander Sir Samuel Vimes.

Morituri Nolumus Mori

[This message has been edited by SithNazgul (edited May 26, 2004).]
Founder of the Massassi Brute Squad (MBS)
Morituri Nolumus Mori
2004-05-26, 6:05 PM #5
Lock On is a decent game... just VERY buggy and requires a really powerful machine...

eat right, exercise, die anyway
2004-05-26, 6:45 PM #6
The only flight sim I have installed right now is YSFlight2000. It is free, but the graphics are old school. I find it pretty fun. Flight dynamics are simplified, but I get a kick out of it. You can fly combat missions, commercial flights, or just screw around. You can even simulate Blue Angels formations.
2004-05-26, 11:06 PM #7

oh? modern. can't help you there.


*so original*
*insert some joke about pasta and fruit scuffles*
2004-05-26, 11:37 PM #8
For anyone looking for a cheap bit of fun, Crimson Skies is brilliant - it's neither modern or high-tech, but it's easy,fun and stylised.

You can probably get it for a fiver now! []

If at first you don't succeed, lower your standards.
2004-05-26, 11:54 PM #9
has anyone here seen that video that is a recreation of the opening of top gun made using a combat flight sim. That was cool.

Those silly bullets have minds of their own!
Jon`C:Irony is spelling 'quality' poorly.
Spork:Well I think 'Irony is spelling grammar poorly'
Snail racing: (500 posts per line)-@%
Snail racing: (500 posts per line)------@%
2004-05-27, 6:02 AM #10
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by SithNazgul:
For instance ot attack a tank with a Maverick:

- Fly the plane.
- Listen to the radio.
- Watch the instruments for any problems.
- Dont ram the ground.
- Put radar in correct mode (ground), then correct submode(for a target moving > 5 kph I think, you need it in Moving Target mode).
- Lock the target on using the radar.

- Select the maverick
- Power on the maverick
- Change MFD to WPN mode.
- Uncage the seaker head.
- Locate the target
- Lock on the target.
- Fire the missile.
- Dodge ground fire.
- Watch for enemy planes.

Keep in mind, you have about 5-6 seconds to do all this.

HEATHEN! If you would simply follow the Jedi 10 Commandments you would know that "Thou shall not use thy targeting computer." Which would save you several steps. [] []

Try not, do; or do not.

[This message has been edited by Friend14 (edited May 27, 2004).]
Math is infinitely finite, while the universe is finitely infinite. PI = QED
2004-05-27, 6:06 AM #11
"luke, your targetting computer's off, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm alright!"


"Come on kid now let's blow that thing and go home!"

*fires missles*


"Come on, blow it up already!"

*fires again*


"For f***'s sake luke turn that damn computer back on"

"NO! I can do this!"

WAITER: Here’s your green salad, sir.
ANAKIN: What? You fool, I told you NO CROUTONS! Aaaaaaargh!
The music industry is a cruel and shallow money trench where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.
2004-05-27, 6:10 AM #12

Snail racing: (500 posts per line)


The Massassi JO/JA Single Player contest info
2004-05-27, 6:31 AM #13
I don't know about new games, but I just got me a new copy of Jet to replace the one that died in a bubble-gum filled floppy drive 10 years ago.


4 colour baby
2004-05-27, 7:36 AM #14
You tried to feed your computer gum?

Flibbledy-dibbledy! Nyaaaaaaaahhh!

-The Last True Evil
2004-05-27, 11:20 AM #15
Isreali Airforce is quite a game. It's lots of fun, graphics are pretty up to date, and it seems pretty realistic to me.

[16:38] Correction: dick tracy was a real man
[16:38] happydud: Actually...
[16:38] happydud: He wasn't. :D
[16:38] happydud: hehe..
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2004-05-27, 11:24 AM #16
I remember those really old flight simulators...

Gunship, F-16, A-10 and such... Gunship.. Now that was a great game.

"A tiger? In Africa?!"

"True as toasted toads!"
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2004-05-27, 11:48 AM #17
Ace Combat 4? []

Isn't that coming out for the PSP?

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