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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Opera Browser doesn't post Massassi text pop-up
Opera Browser doesn't post Massassi text pop-up
2005-10-07, 9:06 PM #41
Has left the thread [Scared]
2005-10-07, 9:07 PM #42
You're having a flamewar with freaking imsoshort. Christ, do you know how poorly that speaks to your intelligence level?
2005-10-07, 9:09 PM #43
I'm not having a flamewar, i'm telling him to go away, and tha first post of mine was aimed at all you unhelpful idiots. and you might as well let this thread die, yoshi, as the problem has been fixed and the evidence of your ignorant unhelpfulness may now go unnoticed.
The above post may contain traces of sarcasm, cynicism, outright insults, and sadistic tendencies. You have been warned.
2005-10-07, 9:11 PM #44
This thread sucks
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2005-10-08, 2:22 AM #45
Like a god damned vacuum...
2005-10-08, 7:19 AM #46
/me uselessly bumps this thread for more interesting responses from Rob.
2005-10-08, 9:04 AM #47
Okay. So the majority of the responses in this thread were not helpful at all. Nor were they funny. Next time someone asks a question about a browser thats not firefox, try helping them first instead of demanding that they get firefox.
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.

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