"You Would Have Been BALEETED..."
Posts: 3,897
PSP and iPod are apples and oranges. Both are meant for entirely different things. MEANT for, not able to. however, this new 5G kind of shook things up.
PSP is primarily for games and movies
iPod is for music primarily
Musicwise iPod >>>>>> PSP. Sorry, the PSP doesn't quite cut it as a pure music player
Videowise I find the PSP and iPod a toss-up. The battery life for PSP is much better (especially running off a memory stick), but there's the problem. You can't fit many good quality movies on a 1GB memory stick. The screen size is also a huuuge plus with the PSP. The advantage that the iPod has is that you have 30GB. You know how much you could fit on a 30GB with h.264 codec? Yeah, a helluva lot.
Gamewise I think is most obvious.
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"
"None knows what the new day shall bring him"