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2005-10-18, 6:51 PM #41
I was gonna do a rebel one but I never got around to it.

-Maybe I should. Would a Yuuzhan Vong one be possible, you think?
Attachment: 7921/desk.jpg (79,199 bytes)
2005-10-18, 6:57 PM #42
Attachment: 7922/Image1.jpg (44,011 bytes)
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2005-10-19, 12:26 AM #43
Genki made the original (the one he's using), I made one for my resolution, and then... GLOWY!
Attachment: 7931/glowies.jpg (44,152 bytes)
2005-10-19, 5:19 AM #44
Can you guess where this photo was taken?
Attachment: 7933/desktop.jpg (30,525 bytes)
2005-10-19, 6:26 AM #45
Originally posted by Berlick:
Can you guess where this photo was taken?

"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2005-10-19, 10:24 AM #46
Naww, I'd say it's a HL2 screencap.
2005-10-19, 4:15 PM #47
Originally posted by Chewbubba:

Originally posted by kyle90:
Naww, I'd say it's a HL2 screencap.

Well, Chewbubba was closer, but that's not saying much.

Give you another clue, it's a popular tourist location in Yorkshire, UK.
2005-10-19, 4:19 PM #48
I can't post my desktop here :(
2005-10-19, 5:44 PM #49
2005-10-19, 5:48 PM #50
<3 exploding dog.
I used to have a rotation of the better ones for my desktop.
Let me clean up my desktop a bit then I'll post..
2005-10-19, 6:08 PM #51
Pssh. Yorkshire was the area of York, which caused the Tudor dynasty. I think we all know what that means.

2005-10-19, 6:09 PM #52

Attachment: 7942/desktop.JPG (131,707 bytes)
2005-10-20, 5:27 AM #53
Originally posted by spud:
Genki made the original (the one he's using), I made one for my resolution, and then... GLOWY!

and i stole it from threadless at that... but they haven't made it into a shirt :(
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2005-10-20, 6:09 AM #54
Ric Olie, your wallpaper is the hotness, any way I can get my hands on it?? :P
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2005-10-20, 8:13 AM #55
Attachment: 7947/desktop.jpg (77,879 bytes)
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2005-10-20, 8:20 AM #56
Attachment: 7948/high five.jpg (29,811 bytes)
2005-10-20, 12:33 PM #57
Originally posted by Jepman:
Ric Olie, your wallpaper is the hotness, any way I can get my hands on it?? :P

It was up on the site ( the creator of the Fallen Angel short, but his site seems down now.

I've mirrored it for you:

If you haven't seen the short, it's on Newgrounds, and it's very good. It's number 13 on the top 50 of all time flash toons in the flash portal.
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
2005-10-20, 12:39 PM #58
Attachment: 7954/desktop.JPG (43,238 bytes)
2005-10-20, 12:40 PM #59
Thanks Ric!!
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2005-10-20, 5:19 PM #60
2005-10-20, 5:42 PM #61
My desktop.
Attachment: 7956/desktop.jpg (30,402 bytes)
MithShrike: First Mateneer
Pimpin' Yerba Mate Drinker
2005-10-20, 5:56 PM #62
2005-10-20, 5:58 PM #63
Originally posted by Mith:
My desktop.

Dude, where'd you get that background?
2005-10-20, 6:09 PM #64
Ya, dat bg is straight trippin'.
2005-10-20, 6:11 PM #65
I want Dante's clothes.

2005-10-21, 2:20 AM #66
I made it myself. :)
Attachment: 7964/patriot.jpg (45,467 bytes)
"We have first raised a dust and then complain we cannot see." - George Berkeley
2005-10-21, 5:55 AM #67
Damn. Just because of this thread I had to make... Uh... Edit a new background image. Screenshot size reduced.
Attachment: 7966/dt211005.jpg (68,188 bytes)
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2005-10-21, 6:44 AM #68
I'll post a shot after my reformat this weekend
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2005-10-22, 6:39 AM #69
And about time too.
Attachment: 7990/desky.jpg (99,546 bytes)
2005-10-22, 6:47 AM #70
Yay another Bleach fan!



Some of the most beautiful artwork I've seen in an anime, so it works great as a background.

And beware the dual monitors, y0.
2005-10-22, 7:33 AM #71
[QUOTE=Cool Matty]Some of the most beautiful artwork I've seen in an anime, so it works great as a background.[/QUOTE]

I don't think I recognize those. Where are they from?
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2005-10-22, 5:50 PM #72
And about neopets my will was forced by a hot friend. ><
2005-10-22, 5:56 PM #73
Originally posted by lassev:
Damn. Just because of this thread I had to make... Uh... Edit a new background image. Screenshot size reduced.

Neat. Did Kas draw that?
2005-10-22, 6:30 PM #74
I bet you think that's funny, don't you.
2005-10-22, 7:06 PM #75
Originally posted by lassev:
I don't think I recognize those. Where are they from?

Kumo no Muko, Yakusoku no basho (Beyond the Clouds)

Excellent movie
"Well, if I am not drunk, I am mad, but I trust I can behave like a gentleman in either
condition."... G. K. Chesterton

“questions are a burden to others; answers a prison for oneself”
2005-10-22, 7:48 PM #76

A cookie to anyone who knows what anime this came from.
2005-10-22, 8:12 PM #77
Duh...Paranoia Agent.

(My second favorite anime ever kinda.)
2005-10-22, 8:18 PM #78
/cookie to Anovis
2005-10-23, 12:35 AM #79
It says 'PARANOIA AGENT' ON THE screenshot!!!
2005-10-23, 12:50 AM #80
Just made this one:
"Flowers and a landscape were the only attractions here. And so, as there was no good reason for coming, nobody came."

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