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ForumsDiscussion Forum → what the....
what the....
2005-10-20, 8:48 PM #121
28 days after what?
2005-10-20, 8:52 PM #122
Originally posted by Jepman:
SG-Fan just turned me on :(

We can't have that! *Turns Jepman off*
2005-10-20, 9:01 PM #123

I am psychic too, by the way.

I have seen the future of this thread.
2005-10-20, 9:10 PM #124
*waves hand* "Jepman shall be forevermore turned on."
Sam: "Sir we can't call it 'The Enterprise'"
Jack: "Why not!"
2005-10-20, 9:28 PM #125
I have forcepowers, too! Like in Dystopia, I can use my Force Buckshot power to blow up monitors and desk chairs. But I have force powers in real life too. I can stop time, only sometimes it doesn't stop everything, so half of the people will be moving, and the other half will be frozen in time. And the ones who aren't frozen are like "OMG WTF!?" And then I use Force Buckshot on them, and then they freeze too.
2005-10-20, 9:41 PM #126
Originally posted by kyle90:
Psychic, though? That sounds like something out of science fiction.

You live in a spaceship, dear.
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
2005-10-20, 10:12 PM #127
Damn! Ric beat me to it! :(

In other news, I should be doing homework but instead I've decided to waste my time on this thread.
The tired anthem of a loser and a hypocrite.
2005-10-21, 4:29 AM #128
My ship is the biggest one! Its like... huge! HUGGEE!!!
Like... this big :


I'm telling you man. I'm gonna have a party. With little crackers, seabiscuits and pirates.

It'll be awesome. I'm telling you.

Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2005-10-21, 8:24 AM #129
We can't trust any sort of media, as it can be edited.

^^^^^^^^^^^^ that is why i dont post video proof as obviously you would point out the "fakeness" of it, and it would be inherently easier to digitally make something move semi-realistically, so duh of course im not going to, though i could, and i do have video of it, but everyone just thinks that i faked it, because of the many times i have tricked them by using Premiere to move edited footage back on to the miniDV tape in my camera, like saber footage and such saying "OMG LOOK!!!!1 REAL LIGHTSABERS!!! CANT BE EDITIED CUZ ITS NEVER BEEN ON A CUMPOTER!!!! ZOMQ!!!1"

Sorta. i got em the first time, but when i put Star Wars ep.2 on there they figured me out. ah well.

p.s i said it wasnt neccesary to believe me. so dont if you wish. :)
This is not the sig you are looking for. Move along.
2005-10-21, 8:28 AM #130
This thread is much funnier without the things needed to believe you (e.g. the brain).
Sorry for the lousy German
2005-10-21, 8:31 AM #131
i see.


we all know Massassi lacks those...
This is not the sig you are looking for. Move along.
2005-10-21, 8:35 AM #132
Originally posted by SG-fan:
*waves hand* "Jepman shall be forevermore turned on."

Gahh! What have you done! :eek:

What a waste of batteries. :gbk:
2005-10-21, 8:35 AM #133
And even if somebody has one he lacks the intelligence to use it...
Sorry for the lousy German
2005-10-21, 8:43 AM #134
*sexes up random people*

*Gets hunted and beaten down by Sugarless and Achelois*
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2005-10-21, 8:45 AM #135
Originally posted by Macro_Roshuma:
^^^^^^^^^^^^ that is why i dont post video proof as obviously you would point out the "fakeness" of it

You just shot yourself in the foot. We all know that you would never be able to make a half-convincing video edit. If you had real footage, we would probably believe it since you'd never be able to fake it.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2005-10-21, 9:36 AM #136
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
What a waste of batteries. :gbk:

Oh be quiet :p I ordered some solar panels.
Sam: "Sir we can't call it 'The Enterprise'"
Jack: "Why not!"
2005-10-21, 10:50 AM #137
Originally posted by SG-fan:
Oh be quiet :p I ordered some solar panels.

But... but... the clouds... they're everywhere!
2005-10-21, 10:52 AM #138
Behold! The Tie Jepster
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2005-10-21, 10:57 AM #139
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the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2005-10-21, 11:41 AM #140
Originally posted by Macro_Roshuma:
^^^^^^^^^^^^ that is why i dont post video proof as obviously you would point out the "fakeness" of it, and it would be inherently easier to digitally make something move semi-realistically, so duh of course im not going to, though i could, and i do have video of it, but everyone just thinks that i faked it, because of the many times i have tricked them by using Premiere to move edited footage back on to the miniDV tape in my camera, like saber footage and such saying "OMG LOOK!!!!1 REAL LIGHTSABERS!!! CANT BE EDITIED CUZ ITS NEVER BEEN ON A CUMPOTER!!!! ZOMQ!!!1"

Sorta. i got em the first time, but when i put Star Wars ep.2 on there they figured me out. ah well.

p.s i said it wasnt neccesary to believe me. so dont if you wish. :)

You suck.

Go steal work somewhere else and be stupid somewhere else.
2005-10-21, 11:43 AM #141

ow :\
2005-10-21, 11:47 AM #142
Rob'ed! HahaH!
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-10-21, 11:48 AM #143
Robed? Well, I hope he's not disrobed.
2005-10-21, 11:49 AM #144
Originally posted by Macro_Roshuma:
^^^^^^^^^^^^ that is why i dont post video proof as obviously you would point out the "fakeness" of it, and it would be inherently easier to digitally make something move semi-realistically, so duh of course im not going to, though i could, and i do have video of it, but everyone just thinks that i faked it, because of the many times i have tricked them by using Premiere to move edited footage back on to the miniDV tape in my camera, like saber footage and such saying "OMG LOOK!!!!1 REAL LIGHTSABERS!!! CANT BE EDITIED CUZ ITS NEVER BEEN ON A CUMPOTER!!!! ZOMQ!!!1"

Sorta. i got em the first time, but when i put Star Wars ep.2 on there they figured me out. ah well.

Wow. This is stupid. You're stupid. This thread is stupid (but fun).
2005-10-21, 1:09 PM #145
ok, i said u didnt have to believe me but for the love of crap stop flaming me
This is not the sig you are looking for. Move along.
2005-10-21, 1:14 PM #146
Then post the goddamned video. Let us judge for ourselves whether it's fake or not.
2005-10-21, 1:17 PM #147
It's quite dumb and somewhat sad to see someone here, of all the sites, think they somehow have telekinesis powers or, in other words, "the Force". Not only that but bragging in a thread about this "power" and calling us stupid for not believing.
2005-10-21, 1:19 PM #148


...hilarious to the Nth degree?

I'm easily amused. :p
2005-10-21, 1:20 PM #149
Well, it turned out to be a fun thread. Even if Macro wanted us to take his "powers" seriously.
2005-10-21, 1:23 PM #150
You're all crazy.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2005-10-21, 1:38 PM #151

I... I'm so sorry... I couldn't help myself.
2005-10-21, 1:41 PM #152

Actually, Macro did post plagiarized work awhile ago too, I believe.
2005-10-21, 1:42 PM #153

2005-10-21, 1:44 PM #154
Originally posted by Macro_Roshuma:
ok, i said u didnt have to believe me but for the love of crap stop flaming me

I'm not going to stop flaming you. Mostly because you're an idiot.

You had enough disregard for humanity to STEAL SOMEONE ELSES WORK and post it IN AN EDITING COMMUNITY'S FORUM. Not only that, but you were STUPID ENOUGH to steal from a member of said community.

Such things are not forgivable, atleast not here.

NOW, for the love of god, go use your mental powers to push yourself off of a freaking bridge and die.

2005-10-21, 1:45 PM #155
I can see dflt.mat
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2005-10-21, 1:49 PM #156
Originally posted by Rob:
Mostly because you an idiot.

Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2005-10-21, 1:49 PM #157
God I hate dyslexia.. I really do.
2005-10-21, 1:52 PM #158
Rob is awesome like that.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2005-10-21, 1:52 PM #159
Attachment: 7981/Windex Santa.jpg (12,677 bytes)
2005-10-21, 1:53 PM #160
Geez, i don't think I've posted this much on Massassi's forums since I was 13. lol. And I'm 21 now.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless

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