Today, I was driving to uni, and I was going by the same park that I always do every day, and suddenly this big gray squirrel ran out in front of me, and I hit it with my two right tires. There was a bump, a sound of cracking bones, and then a second thump as my rear wheel went over it. I was moving fast (about 40 mph) , so there was no time to swerve or nothing else I could do. Poor damn squirrel never had a chance with roughly 1000 lbs of american steel bearing down on it. I looked back and I saw it writhing and twitching in the street. I would have gone back and finished it off if I had some kind of weapon, but I didn't have anything, so I had to keep going. I went home the same way, and it was dead in the gutter, and it was totally crushed where I hit it. It was the first thing that I've ever hit with my car. I feel bad about it b/c it died a miserable painful death, but it could have been worse. (it could have just as easily been someone's cat or something) Poor squirrel. 
I've killed lots of things on the computer, but this feels different b/c its real.
Anyways, post anything that you've killed with your car.

I've killed lots of things on the computer, but this feels different b/c its real.
Anyways, post anything that you've killed with your car.