OK, so Ishi and I started discussing hunting. Here's a chat log on the convo, speak your thoughts on this discussion! Could we truly hunt that way now, in this current world? If someone was truly dedicated, and NEEDED the food to live I believe they could do it, but without that REQUIRED TO LIVE motive, I find it doubtful that someone would be able to do that. So yeah, another chance to make me look stupid.
<Ishi> If I ever go hunting, I'd have to do it old schook style <Ishi> Strip down, cover myself in mud to hide my scent and take 'em out with a bow and knife <Zloc_Vergo> good luck Ishi <Zloc_Vergo> here's a knife <Ishi> People did it for thousands of years. <Ishi> Or were you forgetting this? <Zloc_Vergo> i wasn't forgetting this <Ishi> I think you were! <Zloc_Vergo> BUT, they were accustomed to the weather and such, where-as most Americans (if not all) have never had to do this to live <Zloc_Vergo> and so we couldn't really do it as well <Ishi> Ever hear of "practice"? <Zloc_Vergo> because we don't have the practice, techiniques handed down through generations, or the physical ability (possibly) to do it <Zloc_Vergo> Now Ishi, I'm not saying you couldn't learn to do it <Ishi> This conversation got boring 5 lines ago. <Zloc_Vergo> What I AM saying is that with America getting lazier over the past few generations (not meaning to stereotype, sorry) it would be harder for us to actually get our bodies to be able to stand the conditions you POSSIBLY would experience <CoolMatty> Zloc: apparently you dont know americans <CoolMatty> see, we have years of practice in aiming *video games* <CoolMatty> we'd get a headshot on the deer <CoolMatty> and it'd be gibbed all over <Zloc_Vergo> And, we don't NEED the food, and so we would not have the motive they had <Dj-Yoshi> duh, deer hunter trains us to hunt <Dj-Yoshi> didn't you know that <Dj-Yoshi> jack thompson said so
I had a blog. It sucked.