Hrm, let's see, right now I'm eating (at best) two meals a day. I don't eat breakfast. At work, my lunch consists of a pack of Cheesits, a Kit-Kat bar, and a Mountain Dew. Total cost: $1.70
At night, sometimes I get a meal, sometimes I get a sandwich, and sometimes I get nothing at all.
Before everyone starts feeling sorry for me, let me explain...
I don't eat breakfast because I don't allow enough time for it. That's all I eat a lunch because I don't like the "pre-ready" foods at work and my wife uses the car during the day (else I'd go to Hardee's and get a combo). We leave the kids with relatives during the day, so all we have to do is worry about feeding ourselves when we get home at night. If we pick the kids up at her grandmothers, then I'm treated to leftovers.
We haven't hit bad financial times, we're putting two to three hundred a week in savings. We're preparing for Christmas and saving up to add to what we get back from our tax return in March to purchase a new home (paid off in stinking intrest earning mortgage). So, we're skimping where ever we can. We're also helping out with her grandparents bills, so that kinda puts a dampening on things.
However, a year ago at this time we were pretty bad off. It was around this time last year that I lost my job. She wasn't working either, so things were tight. We had to borrow money from relatives, I missed several car payments (to my parents), ect. just to have food on the table for her kids and gas in the car for me to look for a job. I paid $11 to get a (good for one month) buisness license to do computer service and repair. I only made a couple of calls, but it was barely enough to get us through until I got the job I have now. Since then, money had been tight, but not as bad. The next pit fall was after we she had our son. We actually abandoned our home and moved in with relatives. She got a job and we both paid off the bills that had accumalated.
We still haven't moved back in. We're in (and have been for almost 2 months) the process of cleaning it up so we can either move back in (temporarily) or rent it out to someone. Up until about a week ago, I had been working 2 jobs. Now I'm starting to get more time to go out there and work on it, so it shouldn't be long now.
So, from the time I moved in with her until now, we are much better off (all things considered). She has grown up more and started to take more responsibility. When it comes to finances, she still has to learn a little more control over her spending (I started dumping money into the savings account to keep her from accessing the checking account and I confiscated all the check books). A year from now, it'll again be a totally different story as we'll be well enough off that we'll be able to take a vacation.