Hey Massassi,
So, a few days ago I've been introduced to this Asian tea house. Very Turkish-esque (though the place is called "Club Sirius"), where you lie down on pillows, ask for tea, there's this interesting music playing - a mix of reggae and techno, very weird. You can even lie under the ceiling, they have these little "second floors" built there - air's really warm, atmosphere's ABSOLUTELY relaxed.
And the point of this thread - it's TOO relaxed.
Both times I've been there (one time with 3 chicks, the other one with another one), we all acted like we smoked a joint or two. Talked about messed up things, laughted at no reason, etc. I mean, I recall me and my friend talking for 15 or 30 minutes about zebra-striped squirrels with golden balls. And laughing like maniacs. Word.
And then she looked at her watch and in full seriousness said that time goes backwards.
So, I'm wandering - is it something in the tea, music, or the incense in the air? Because our minds were DEFINETLY *way* too relaxed. I also have to note that once we left, we came back to normal.
Anyone been to a place like this?
Oh, also gotta note - both experiences RULED.
So, a few days ago I've been introduced to this Asian tea house. Very Turkish-esque (though the place is called "Club Sirius"), where you lie down on pillows, ask for tea, there's this interesting music playing - a mix of reggae and techno, very weird. You can even lie under the ceiling, they have these little "second floors" built there - air's really warm, atmosphere's ABSOLUTELY relaxed.
And the point of this thread - it's TOO relaxed.
Both times I've been there (one time with 3 chicks, the other one with another one), we all acted like we smoked a joint or two. Talked about messed up things, laughted at no reason, etc. I mean, I recall me and my friend talking for 15 or 30 minutes about zebra-striped squirrels with golden balls. And laughing like maniacs. Word.
And then she looked at her watch and in full seriousness said that time goes backwards.
So, I'm wandering - is it something in the tea, music, or the incense in the air? Because our minds were DEFINETLY *way* too relaxed. I also have to note that once we left, we came back to normal.
Anyone been to a place like this?
Oh, also gotta note - both experiences RULED.