From digg:
Now, I go to MU. I deleted my facebook profile some time ago for unrelated reasons, and now I'm glad I did. This honestly scares me. Not that others can see what I post online, but the fact that what I may post can be used against me without so much as a hearing. Text can be spoofed, pictures can be photoshopped. What makes the information put online so reliable that school officials can use it to charge you with misconduct?
Slowly our civil liberties are fading away. This is especially scary.
Have the thought police become a reality? Since when is the expression of one's opinion given anybody the right to punish that person so severely, if indeed at all?
This is utter and absolute ridiculousness. While it is true that you give up some of your privacy once you join a community such as the facebook, the information on there should not be considered anywhere near reliable enough to indict you for any charges whatsoever. While this probably would not stand in court, there is nothing stopping the school from punishing the students it believes are violating the rules of conduct.
Folks, be careful with what you say online. It may be taken, twisted, and turned against you.
Now, I go to MU. I deleted my facebook profile some time ago for unrelated reasons, and now I'm glad I did. This honestly scares me. Not that others can see what I post online, but the fact that what I may post can be used against me without so much as a hearing. Text can be spoofed, pictures can be photoshopped. What makes the information put online so reliable that school officials can use it to charge you with misconduct?
Slowly our civil liberties are fading away. This is especially scary.
A student at Fisher College in Boston was expelled this year for his online critique of a campus police officer.
Have the thought police become a reality? Since when is the expression of one's opinion given anybody the right to punish that person so severely, if indeed at all?
This is utter and absolute ridiculousness. While it is true that you give up some of your privacy once you join a community such as the facebook, the information on there should not be considered anywhere near reliable enough to indict you for any charges whatsoever. While this probably would not stand in court, there is nothing stopping the school from punishing the students it believes are violating the rules of conduct.
Folks, be careful with what you say online. It may be taken, twisted, and turned against you.
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.