How many Ninja Edits can you get before the modifed post text occurs at the bottom?
This is a race. Whoever gets the most before the This post was last b... appears at the bottom wins. Obviously broadband helps. An yes, I'm running out of thread ideas.
To make this fair, How about I have a block of text that everyone has to modify. You have to correct the errors (as many as you can) in the time allotted. You have to git the edit button after each modification, so you can't just go through it in one go.
Here it is:
And yes, that was random. >_>
This is a race. Whoever gets the most before the This post was last b... appears at the bottom wins. Obviously broadband helps. An yes, I'm running out of thread ideas.
To make this fair, How about I have a block of text that everyone has to modify. You have to correct the errors (as many as you can) in the time allotted. You have to git the edit button after each modification, so you can't just go through it in one go.
Here it is:
My anme is sam davies who likes to sita around drinking a great deal of tea owhile looking at moutain views and reading a good old Marl Twain book which is quite satisfying. I find that my time os most profitable when enjoting both this good book and whilst maintiaing a clar frame of mind. This helps a great deal, especially when the monkeys strart a ppearing. I think I've been at the liquor a little bit too long this time o marths you might need to halp me into bed tonight. hiccup oh dear oh my i 'm quite upset about this i am, what for dinner, catfish again damn catfish always o nthe menu goodnigh snore
And yes, that was random. >_>