If moral relativism is wrong, I don't wanna be right.
Posts: 4,192
Well, On Origin of Species doesn't actually contain much on speciation, funnily enough (but it is covered in quite some detail in later works).
Darwin outlined the fundemental mechanics of evolution, of common descent and diversification by natural selection. Since then, those fundemental mechanics have been applied to new data to understand the evolution of other organisms. Nothing that Darwin outlined has been proven exclusively wrong, we just now have more data and more complex models arising from them.
The reason people, and Darwin himself, hesitate to use the word 'evolution' to describe the mechanics of speciation and natural selection is because it can be confused with changes within a lifetime, rather than the survival of hereditary features.
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. " - Bertrand Russell
The Triumph of Stupidity in Mortals and Others 1931-1935