... Or Ante's Adventures in Japan Part 1
So, the other day at work I heard about an XBox 360 preview location opening up in Shibuya, so naturally on my day off I went with some friends to check it out. The place was pretty "trendy" feeling, complete with fake candles that you can blow out (they re-light themselves after 10 seconds), green chairs, and a snackbar... one that had some alcoholic beverages available after 5. They had two larger plasma TVs in front of couches, one for N3 (Ninety Nine Nights for those who, like myself, haven't been paying any attention to what's coming out) and one for Ridge Racer 6. On the back wall they had several more 360's hooked up to smaller televisions in standard display cabinet style. Those had N3, Ridge Racer 6, some Dynasty Warriors game, Kameo, a Japanese Professional Wrestling game, and some other game that I didn't recognize.
I got some time to try out N3, which is pretty much a Dynasty Warriors clone, though you seem to cut through larger swaths of enemies and have a larger assortment of moves available. It was pretty fun, but I was disappointed to see the framerate dip a bit here and there. I also got a little time with Ridge Racer 6, which seems to be based mostly around drift racing... at least the car I used would start to drift if I let off the gas for a second and drifting made my nitros charge up.
While we were there, we also met a man from 1up.com who was doing a story on the location... the article should be up sometime tomorrow and I may or may not be mentioned in it (he took the names of myself and my friends).
Sadly, we weren't allowed to take pictures inside the "XBox 360 Lobby", but I managed to get a few from outside (including one with me standing in front). I apologize for some of the blurry pics, I'm still working on keeping a steady hand while taking pictures.
So, the other day at work I heard about an XBox 360 preview location opening up in Shibuya, so naturally on my day off I went with some friends to check it out. The place was pretty "trendy" feeling, complete with fake candles that you can blow out (they re-light themselves after 10 seconds), green chairs, and a snackbar... one that had some alcoholic beverages available after 5. They had two larger plasma TVs in front of couches, one for N3 (Ninety Nine Nights for those who, like myself, haven't been paying any attention to what's coming out) and one for Ridge Racer 6. On the back wall they had several more 360's hooked up to smaller televisions in standard display cabinet style. Those had N3, Ridge Racer 6, some Dynasty Warriors game, Kameo, a Japanese Professional Wrestling game, and some other game that I didn't recognize.
I got some time to try out N3, which is pretty much a Dynasty Warriors clone, though you seem to cut through larger swaths of enemies and have a larger assortment of moves available. It was pretty fun, but I was disappointed to see the framerate dip a bit here and there. I also got a little time with Ridge Racer 6, which seems to be based mostly around drift racing... at least the car I used would start to drift if I let off the gas for a second and drifting made my nitros charge up.
While we were there, we also met a man from 1up.com who was doing a story on the location... the article should be up sometime tomorrow and I may or may not be mentioned in it (he took the names of myself and my friends).
Sadly, we weren't allowed to take pictures inside the "XBox 360 Lobby", but I managed to get a few from outside (including one with me standing in front). I apologize for some of the blurry pics, I'm still working on keeping a steady hand while taking pictures.
Pereant qui ante nos nostra dixerunt.