Actually, your odds of not going are infinitesimal. 3 of the 4 brigades are already here in Iraq. The forth one is leaving within a month or so. Then 4 of 4 will be here. Albeit in different areas. If I were you I would hope to go to one that is already gone because most of us should be going back to Campbell roughly ten months from now as opposed to the forth brigade that will be coming home roughly one year from whenever they leave which, as I said, still hasn't happened yet. If you came to one of ours that is already here in Iraq you would be filling a vacant position. Not necessarily due to a combat loss. Combat losses are not as common as they were in past wars. Most units left for Iraq with some positions still needing to be filled. Of course there are losses due to injured, wounded, and killed (whether due to combat or accident) that occur as well though.
Good luck!
Not familiar with that heliport but this is a big place. Good luck! The leaving home part is always the worst for me. Once I get on the ground it's much better. You can't dread anything at that point. Just look forward to it ending. My wife is due in January so I should be home then. I miss the actual birth but be home shortly thereafter. At least I have a milestone in two months to look forward to!
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16