Science works more like this: First some people tried to think of a way to explain the world. Every one accepted it. Then some other people else comes along and said, "The other guys were idiots. It's
this way. Then people laughed, and some times, for political or religious reasons, abuse the poor guys who noticed that the previous guys were wrong. Well, eventually everyone realized that the second guys were right, and everyone believed them, and idolized them, which did them no good because by now they were dead. Then someone noticed that the second guy was wrong and the process was repeated.
Everyone thought that current science theory is all correct and future discoverys would only expound on current theory. Usually they were wrong. A few hundred years ago there was a slight lull in the idiocy and scientific progress leaped foreword. People became educated, stopped philosophizing, started playing with math and science, and generally said “Who cares? What’s for lunch?” every time they started to think about things like, “Why do I exist?” or “Why do I exist ?” Then someone invented TV, and 90% present of the population stopped caring about even science, and generally brewed massive amounts of stupidity for 50 years, while working in unnecessary management layers.
About ten years ago, some actual scientists managed to get a brilliant idea past the 47 layers of management. The Internet, vast net work of computers to educate, and aid in scientific progress. The Internet helped the scientific community enormously. Unfortunately, one of the managers found out that browsing the internet was a good way to look like you were busy. It caught on. Other people discovered it too. Suddenly all the pent up idiocy was released. Ordinary people could voice their stupid opinions. They found that their opinions were differed and began to debate for the first time in over a hundred years. Over that time, however, they had lost their use of reason. So, to make due, they used raw emotion and a few incoherent factoids they heard on some documentaries while flipping through channels. Philosophy was, in a horribly mutilated form, rediscovered. But since emotion won out over logic, people spent only five minutes philosophizing, and their entire lives arguing from that philosophy. At about 2050, the idiots who had been elected by their moronic constituency got into a flame war and nuked each other. The few people left formed a stone age society and in a few generations forgot the high tech society. Then some people tried to come up with a way to explain the world around them and why it was there.
Hmm. It appears I've gotten off on a bit of a tangent. Oh well...