Well not really, but post your worst "Wrong window" scenarios. We've all had it happen.
Friend I'm visiting: So want to see a movie with john and I next week?"
me: You know I'm coming in two weeks, right? for thanksgiving
"No.. oh yea I'm so dumb"
(Not me not willing a girl to call herself stupid, even though what I'm about to say is not the case. She WAS being stupid, and I was VERY clear, but that's not the point) "Oh no, that's OK, I might not have been clear enough"
SHE AGREES, she says that was exactly the case. BS
I let it go. Change windows.
'OMFGHFASFHGA she's so stupid... " etc etc.
I quickly realize I did NOT switch windows.

I apologized and made up a BS excuse, she said it was OK.
Friend I'm visiting: So want to see a movie with john and I next week?"
me: You know I'm coming in two weeks, right? for thanksgiving
"No.. oh yea I'm so dumb"
(Not me not willing a girl to call herself stupid, even though what I'm about to say is not the case. She WAS being stupid, and I was VERY clear, but that's not the point) "Oh no, that's OK, I might not have been clear enough"
SHE AGREES, she says that was exactly the case. BS
I let it go. Change windows.
'OMFGHFASFHGA she's so stupid... " etc etc.
I quickly realize I did NOT switch windows.

I apologized and made up a BS excuse, she said it was OK.