I don't usually visit the discussion forum, but this is a story I just didn't want to hold out on you. From Dutch newspapers:
In the Frisian Expo Centre people are busy building up what has in the last years become a yearly event. Not only in the Netherlands but also in Germany and other nations there's a continuous struggle for the guinness world record of dominos. The idea is to push over as much domino bricks. It's mainly a huge commercial thing-a-ma-gig. Not very entertaing either if you ask me, but I find rarely any programme on TV entertaining, so what do I know.
Anyway as I said in the FEC they were building up a huge course of dominobricks for their new attempt at a world record. During the buildup a sparrow flies into the huge hall and knocks over 23,000 bricks. So unfortunately for the sparrow it shortly after get shotdown with a bbgun.
End good, all good.... no?
Today Animal Protection filed a complaint with the police. The police contacted the Province's environment protection. The sparrow is a protected animal in that province and there was no permit to shoot a sparrow. And even if there was there was no health or crop in danger so they wouldn't even have been able to legally shoot it then.
Now Geenstijl.nl a large Dutch internet community has promised €1000.- for the person who manages to knock over the domino bricks before Domino Day. And Ruud de Wild, a popular Dutch radio presentator has promised an additional €3000.-
Also the 'shooter' has received death threats.
Oh boy, I love environmentalists!
All this because of a bloody sparrow
In the Frisian Expo Centre people are busy building up what has in the last years become a yearly event. Not only in the Netherlands but also in Germany and other nations there's a continuous struggle for the guinness world record of dominos. The idea is to push over as much domino bricks. It's mainly a huge commercial thing-a-ma-gig. Not very entertaing either if you ask me, but I find rarely any programme on TV entertaining, so what do I know.
Anyway as I said in the FEC they were building up a huge course of dominobricks for their new attempt at a world record. During the buildup a sparrow flies into the huge hall and knocks over 23,000 bricks. So unfortunately for the sparrow it shortly after get shotdown with a bbgun.
End good, all good.... no?
Today Animal Protection filed a complaint with the police. The police contacted the Province's environment protection. The sparrow is a protected animal in that province and there was no permit to shoot a sparrow. And even if there was there was no health or crop in danger so they wouldn't even have been able to legally shoot it then.

Now Geenstijl.nl a large Dutch internet community has promised €1000.- for the person who manages to knock over the domino bricks before Domino Day. And Ruud de Wild, a popular Dutch radio presentator has promised an additional €3000.-
Also the 'shooter' has received death threats.

Oh boy, I love environmentalists!
All this because of a bloody sparrow